Sticks & Stones

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I still feel like something is missing, but I hope you enjoy. :)

Sticks and stones may break my bones,
But words will never hurt me.
Naive and young I couldn't see how wrong this is.
Sticks and stones may break my bones,
But words can do more damage.

Make my body ache with pain,
That drugs can't take away.
Make me release enough tears to water deserts.
Make me become the monster,
I swore I'd never be.

I can Feel tightening in my chest,
And a shortage of breath,
The pain can become to much to bare.
I clutch at my heart and wish it wasn't there.

My heart?
The center of all the verbal pain.
The pain that seems there to stay.

Sticks and stones may break my bones,
But words can break my heart.
A heart can break only so many times,
Before it completely falls apart.

Now this broken heart is no longer together,
Because it is words that broke it forever.
I then become nothing.
But a now empty shell,
And it wasn't the sticks and stones
That put me in this hell.

But words...
...the ones that were never suppose to hurt.

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