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(👆👆 that's the basic idea of what Dylan looks like)
Part of me was happy that they thought I was a boy, if they knew I was a girl I probably wouldn't have gotten the room. But, I mean, a boy? Really?! Sure, I had short hair and was slightly flat chested, but was my voice and other features not girly enough? 

"Dylan?" Matt knocked on my door before entering. I was sitting in my over sized storm trooper shirt and Darth Vater boxers.

"Hey," I tiredly smiled at him, "what's up?"

"Would you want to go to lunch with the boys and I?" He asked, leaned against my head rest.

"Well, I would like to but-" I gestured to the room. Most of the boxes were still packed.

"Oh, didn't get much unpacked yesterday, did you?" He laughed.

"Not really," I giggled, "I am a big procrastinator."

"I can tell," Matt said, "Well if you're not going do you want us to pick you anything up? Pizza,? Pasta?"

"Could you maybe pick me up some Panda Express?" I asked.

"Sure thing," He closed my door behind him. I rolled out of bed and walked over to the large cage in the corner of my room.

"Coal, are you hungry?" I opened his cage and allowed him to roam around my room while I put some food is his bowl.

"We're leaving," Ryan called before slamming the front door. I sighed and put Coal back into his cage. I guess if I was alone I might as well do some snooping around.

I slowly made my way down the hall, stopping at the first room on the right. It was about the same size as mine. Had a single bed and one corner full of recording equipment. I so badly wanted to go in and check the room out more but that would have been a major invasion of privacy so i continued with my exploration of the house.

I counted two more bed rooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 laundry room, a nice sized living room, an amazing kitchen, and a dining room. The out side of the house was pretty nice. It had a fenced in back yard with a pool. Over all I was pretty happy with my choice to move in.

After my adventure through out my new home I decided to unpack the rest of my belongings. Not to long into my unboxing, my phone buzzed on my night stand. 

"Hello?" I answered.

"Dyl, its your mother," my mom greeted. To be honest, I missed her voice.

"Hey mom, what's up?" I flopped down on my bed, beginning my process of procrastination.

"Nothing really," Her voice sounded strained, like she had been crying.

"Mom, is everything okay?" I asked, feel concern for my mother.

"Not really," She took a deep breath, "Dylan, I have some bad news.

I sat up, "What is it Mom?"

"It's about you father," She choked, "He had to be admitted into the hospital. Again."

"Again?" I asked, "What happened this time?" For the past few years my father had been dealing with some medical problems. I was use to hearing that he had to go the the hospital again. But what my mother said next was a phrase I was hoping to never hear.

"They found another tumor," she said. Her tone was more shaky. I could tell she was close to tears.

"Um- Mom," I took a deep breath, trying not to cry, "I should probably get back to unpacking, I promise to call you later."

"Dylan wait-" I hung up and slowly laid back down. I felt my body go numb with overwhelming sadness. My Dad meant everything to me and to hear that his cancer had returned was to much to handle. The water works went into action. Eventually it got to the point in which I was dry heaving over the edge of my bed.


"Dylan!" Matt called, "We're home!" I stayed silent, cuddling my pillow. 

"Dylan?" Matt pushed my door open. "Dylan, are you okay?" He sat on the edge of my bed. 

"Not really," My voice was raspy from my profuse sobbing.

"Have you been crying?" He asked.

"Yeah. Not very manly of me," I sat up.

"Would you like to talk about it?" He questioned.

"Not right now," I looked down at my hands, "Maybe later, I'm just not really in the mood to talk."

"Okay," he sounded hurt that I didn't want to talk to him, "Well here's your panda, if you need anything just call Mark, Ryan, or I, okay?"

"Yeah," I whispered, laying back down.

There was a knock at my door. I could here Matt whisper something to the person who knocked. 

"Hey squirt," I rolled over to see Mark standing in the door way, "Mind if I come in?"

"Come on in," I sighed, maybe I wasn't going to get any alone time since the guys are home.

"I kind of ease dropped a bit," He admitted, "I know you don't want to talk about it but I still have to ask, what's going on?"

"It's my dad," I let out, "He was put in the hospital yesterday, doctors found a tumor."

"That's not good," Mark put his arm around my shoulder, "I'm sorry squirt."

"It's whatever," I sighed, "I should have known that it would come back."

"If you need to talk about it I'm here, like Matt said," He gave me a soft smile.

"I know," I removed his arm from my body, "Just, right now, I kind of want to be alone."

"Understandable, just remember, I'm here," Mark got up and left. 

The boys were sweet. I hadn't known them longer than a week and they already seemed to have my back. It was nice to have that nice sense of security.

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