Chapter 2

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     The next few days were me working trying to get my mind off of Kendal. That was until my beta Nathan mind linked me. ' Alpha she is awake'
Kendal's Point Of View:

     I woke up in a white room. And I mean WHITE! (I am NOT trying to be racist)
White walls, white door, white curtains, white bed with white bed sheets and white pillows, ect. I looked to see a guy starting at me intently. His eyes clouded over which ment he was mind linking someone.
     A few minutes later in walked... Ray Ray??!?? My thoughts were soon interrupted when the smell of fresh rain, mixed with lavender crowded my nose. I haven't seen Ray Ray in forever! He must have been in the new pack that just moved here!!! I finally have my best friend back!!! 'MATE' my wolf Shanya screamed in my head. He ran over to my bed and hugged me. I yelped in pain and he immediately released me saying how sorry he was. The doctor can in to run some test. After he was done we were free to go. He carried me into a large room and out of no where a bunch of people came out of no where and screamed. "WELCOME HOME LUNA!" My eyes landed in Simone in particular Adrien my al time best friend in the entire world! She came and hugged me gently. Unlike Ray Ray who practically crushed me... After a few hours of partying we finally ate the cake Ray Ray handed me a piece and I should have seen it coming when he smashed it into my fave. "RAY RAY YOU ARE SOOOO DEAD!" I screamed as I grabbed a giant piece of cake and threw it at him. It missed and hit Nathan. Oops.... But I didn't stop there by the time Rat Ray stopped long enough for me to pummel him with cake. Everyone was throwing cake the house was a giant mess!! Lmao!!! Ray Ray came over to me and stared into my eyes I stared backer leaned in closer and closer. I closed my eyes and leaned in when he shoved cake right into my face! One time shame on me two times SHAME ON YOU! This called war! He will get what he deserves when he least expects it! After another hour of the cake war everyone left to clean up.  Ray Ray lead me to our room and I took a shower first. After I got out and got dressed he took a shower. When he got out and got dressed we then watched a movie but I soon fell asleep.
     I woke up to a low growl. I scanned my surrounding. It was only Ray Ray! He was growling and moving his feet and legs like he was running. Awwww! I couldn't resist! I took out my phone and started to record it. 'crap!' I thought! I haven't texted Tony and told him I can't fight for a while! I quickly stopped recording the video and texted Tony: hey Tony I can't fight or a while that Razor guy   Kidnapped me and beet me up on my way home. I'm ok still recovering. I broke some ribs though. I'll txt you later.
      I went back to sleep and felt Ray Ray's arms wrap around my waist moving me closer into him. I woke up to Ray Ray shaking me. "Get you lazy arse up!"
     "Don't make me"
     "Don't make you what?"
     "If you don't get out of bed you'll find out!"
     "Goodnight!" Just when I fell back asleep Ray Ray pored I giant bucket of ice water into my body I jumped off the bed and ran after him until I fell and went flying over the stares! Just my luck! "OUCH!" I yelled at Ray Ray. Then Adrian came in and slapped Ray Ray across the face! I laughed so hard I almost puked. I got up and Adriane let me borrow some clothes. I change and went into the kitchen and found Ray Ray making waffles and bacon. I grabbed a peice of bacon when he wasn't looking. Then I seen the cupcakes sitting on the opposit counter and shoved one Into my mouth. I moaned in happiness. I was taken out of my thought when Ray Ray said "you have a little something right there." He said pointing to my lips. "Let me get it" but before I could respond he crashed his lips onto mine. He pulled away and tended to the waffles leaving me depressed that he left my lips. I hopped of off the counter and upstairs to grab my phone. I started playing cross road. "Kendal. Breakfast is ready!" Ray Ray yelled from downstairs I ran down and grabbed a plate of food a ate it within seconds. "We are going to bed early tonight!" He continued, "you have school tomorrow.." What noooo I hate school he isn't going to make me go right!

My Teacher/Alpha/best friend brother is my mate!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt