Chapter 3

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     I ran down and grabbed a plate of food a ate it within seconds. "We are going to bed early tonight!" He continued, "you have school tomorrow.." What noooo I hate school he isn't going to make me go right!

Kendal's Point Of View:

I woke up turned my alarm of and smelled the most amazing smell....... BACON! I ran down the stairs an grabbed a whole plate of it! I ran back up stares ignoring Ray Ray's attempts to save his precious bacon but it was to late. I got changed into loose jeans and a t-shirt. I quickly brushed my hair and put it into a pony. "How am I going to get to school?" I asked but whatever the answer was I didn't care. He handed
me a small box with a bow and when I opened it up and inside was a set of keys! But not any set of keys. I looked out the window and I was right! A 2015 Silverado truck sat in the driveway. An it was blue my all time favorite color! I gave him a quick kiss and left. I hopped into the truck and threw my backpack into the back and started blasting the music! Until one one my all-time favorite songs came on: The Driver by Charles Kelly. I started singing the words as I decided to take a few back roads so I can listen to the whole song..
"I'm the driver, bringing this circus I town. First one in and the last rolling out shutting down. All the stars and sunrises I've seen. Every cornfield and town in between. West to East. Oh easy come easy go ya we rock and we roll out of time. But for now while the moment is young shine a light drink a beer lets get loud. All the drivers and dreamers. Believers an singers oh won't you sing with me know. --------- I finally pull up to school and hop out every one whistling an giving me the that's a nice ride. I finally made it to the office got my scedual and proceeded to that my locker outing the stuff I didn't need into the locker. I went to my first hour class put my stuff in the room an decided to enjoy the last 15 minutes before the bell to chill out outside. As I was sitting looking at my Instagram a guy came up to me and broke my comfortable silence. "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" I look up to see what I'm guessing is the jock of the school. I knew exactly what to reply. "No, but I got a couple o brides crawling up from hell!" I got up and tried to move past him but he just hoed me back. "What the hell is your problem?? Someone mad that they got rejected?" His smile faded and his friend closed in on us forming a circle. I pushed him trying to get away but he threw me to the ground that's it! I jumped right back up and punched him right in the jaw. I thought I hear a crack but brushed it off. He was about to punch back when I ducked and got caught off guard when that exactly why he wanted me to do. He punched me in the bad side of my ribs. I fell to ground I got up doing my best to show I wasn't in pain. I walked away grabbing my stuff out off the class and threw it in my locker I walked o my truck and left. I drive to a place only I knew about. Before I got there I stopped where I knew signal would soon ended and called the school. "Yes This is Ray Ray Braxton. I'm calling to exuse Kendal from class." They said I was exused and I hung up. I drove to the pack house and grabbed a blanket and a few things from the fridge. I then quickly filled up on gas and drove out to the clearing in the middle of the woods. It was unclaimed land and I was happy to finally be there. I dropped the tailgate and layed the blanket brown on the cold medal. The trees shaded the sun. I layed down and soon fell off into sleep. The cold air bringing back memories I wish I could forget. I felt like I was reliving that night. The night that changed my life. The two been. The knifes. The fight. The pain. But I was used to the pain. I just kept the saying in my head:
I jolted up and was covered in sweat. A sudden beeping caught my attention. I carefully got off of the truck. It was coming from the truck. I circled it and out of the corner of my eye I seen a re light flash. I got closer. And it was a tracker!!! Are you seriouse!!! Ray Ray has the nerve to track my truck! I was pissed but I wasn't going to let my anger get the best of me. I needed to go for a run. I needed to let my wolf take over. I transformed into my wolf for the first time. I was suppose to on my birthday but I was passed out so I didn't get a chance. I ran threw the woods feeling the breeze in my fur. 'Finally I've been needing a good run' who the hell said that?? 'It's me, Muffin, your wolf." I was so confused that I didn't realize someone else was hear. I sniffed the air and smelled a beta?? "Shift." He said calmly. But I didn't know how. "I'm going o say it one more time. SHIFT" he said authority lacing his voice. I coward away not really knowing what to do. I kept backing until a sharp pain shot threw my ankle and continued up my ankle. I howled in pain when I realized I stepped in an old bear trap. "SHIFT" another voice came but I still couldn't. "Alpha calm down." Another voice said. He looked at me "have you ever shifted before?" I shook my head. "Just imagin your human form." That sounds easy enough. I tried and after a good 5-10 minutes of thinking I heard bones snapping and I was back to normal I gripped my leg in pain as I tried to pry off the bear trap but it was no use. The doctor tried to get it of but couldn't. "Alpha. Please help remove the trap." He said calmly the alpha looks angered. "Why should I help you rouge?" That one got to me.

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