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Today was the first day of middle school. Ugh. I was all too nervous. I hit the snooze button on my alarm and got dressed. My bus stop was really far from my house and I hated it. When I got there I saw my friend, Jasmine, from elementary school waiting for me. We talked on and on while we waited for our slow bus. It was PACKED! Every seat all the way to the back had two kids in it. I sat with my other elementary friend Moji. Her and Jasmine didn't get along so it was hard. 

Barely anybody I knew was in my class and I had trouble with my locker. It was terrible and on my way to third period I got lost in the hallways. I was hoping exploratory would be better. I had health. A huge bald man led us into his classroom. There were three desks by his desk and I sat in one of them. The other two were filled by a girl who was in my classes and another one I was pretty sure I saw in my team. She seemed cool and fun but I was too scared to talk to her. She was really outspoken and I was afraid if I talked to her she'd hit me. I decided to let it go and do my work. The day was over. It wasn't all too good and I was ready for this year to be over with...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2013 ⏰

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