1. ♕

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Riley walked up what felt like millions of steps to get to the grand entrance of John Adams Academy. She twirled one of brown curls with her fingers. Riley was nervous. Actually so nervous that she would rather go  die in a hole than go through that door. Riley was usually excited for a new year of school. New stuff and a fresh new beginning. But this year is different. She took a deep breath and opened the large black door. Overwhelmed. That's what Riley felt when she saw other students running around franticly in the 'grand hall'. This is going to be a long year she thought.

"Um hi I'm Riley Matthews. This is my first year here." She said to the woman in the administration office.

"Hi Riley! Welcome to John Adams academy! Your dorm number is B26 on the 5th floor. Here's your schedule. Classes start next Monday so you'll have a few days to settle in. If you have any questions you can come to me or ask your roommate. Your already received your uniform, right?"

"Yes." Riley mustered up the best smile she could while trying her hardest to not cringe at the reminder of her uniform. It's a dark blue plaid skirt and a white button up shirt. Ew. She turned around and headed towards the dorms. Why did my parents force me to come here? It's basically child abuse! Sending me here against my will. I miss Dark Lake. At least my
schedule isn't to bad, the classes look alright. Maybe I can turn this year arou-

"God, watch it." Some boy with black hair yelled bumping into Riley causing her to stumble back.


"Who are you? You must be new because I would've remembered a sweet ass like yours. I'm Brandon by the way." He said licking his lips and eyeing her up and down.

Is this seriously happening right now?! This asshole yells at me and then says 'sweet ass'. What the hell?! I knee him in the balls or I could politely walk away. I better go with second. I don't want to make a bad first impression.

"Well nice to meet you Brandon but I need to go find my dorm." She said trying to walk around him but he stopped her.

"You can't leave until you tell me your name." He said with a smirk that made Riley want to throw up.

"Riley. Now let go of me before I knee you in the balls." She said smiling sweetly. There goes a good first impression.

"Feisty I like it." He pulled her closer and tightened his grip on her arm. Maya was standing around the corner witnessing all of this. At first she just wanted to see how the new girl reacted to the notorious Brandon. She was expecting the girl to gasp loudly and scream 'get off me' but she was actually impressed when the brunette threaten to knee him in the balls. He deserves to be kneed in the balls, she thought.

"Back off Brandon. It's the poor girl's first day." Maya said stepping forward and pushing Brandon off Riley.

Riley watched the blonde push Brandon away. "Maya Hart, good to see you. Maybe we could catch up sometime." Brandon said winking. This guy is unbelievable, Riley thought.

"Hell no. Now go run back to your little group of losers." Maya stated while ushering Brandon away. With that he walked away. "Hi I'm Maya Hart. Nice threat to knee him in the balls by the way. I'm impressed."

"Thanks. I'm Riley Matthews. You probably already noticed I'm the hopeless new girl."

"You should hang out with me and my friends and you won't be hopeless." Maya said laughing. She took in the girl's appearance. We could be friends. Lucas and Farkle will definitely like her. Maybe I could set her and Lucas up.

"I'll hold you to that." Riley said laughing. This girl seems nice. We could be friends. "Do you mind helping me find my dorm? I'm in room B26."

"Your kidding! That's my dorm. I guess we're roommates!"

Riley sighed with relief. "Good I was worried I'd end up living with some crazy weirdo." They both laughed and started walking towards their dorm.


Maya had to go help her friend with something so Riley decided to explore the school a bit more. First she went to the huge library and checked out some books being the nerd she is. She ended up finding a little basketball court that was next to a large oak tree. There was a bench placed under the tree that had a perfect view of the court. Riley blooped herself down on the bench and started reading one of the books she checked out.

Lucas made his way down to the oak court dribbling his basketball. Him and Farkle named it the oak court there first year at John Adams because of the huge oak tree beside it. He got lost in his thoughts and the ball slipped away from his hands and it rolled down to the bench under the tree. He looked up and realized that a beautiful girl was sitting on the bench. She had long brown hair. Her deep brown eyes were intensely focused on her book. Lucas was mesmerized by her beauty. She must be the new girl he heard a few people mention. Some people were saying that she was hot or pretty but Lucas thought she was beautiful.

Suddenly Riley felt something hit her leg and looked down and saw a basketball. She also saw a tall, built, and dark blonde haired guy walking towards her. He had stunning green eyes she could get lost in.

"Hey, sorry about my ball. I'm Lucas. You're the new girl right?"

"Yeah and I prefer to go by Riley and not 'new girl'." She said putting air quotes around 'new girl'.

Lucas chuckled and sat himself down next to Riley.

"Well make yourself comfortable." Riley said sarcastically surprised by his action. Then he smirked. A smirk that made her weak in the knees.

"So how do you like John Adams Academy so far?" He asked actually interested. Usually when he talks to girl they just giggle and talk about senseless crap. But Riley was different with her sarcastic comments and her genuine laughs and smiles.

"Well I love the building and my roommate is really cool and nice, but I met this one guy and he was a real jerk."

Lucas dramatically placed a hand on chest in a joking manor. "Are you referring to me?"

Riley lightly hit him on the arm. "Don't worry Lucas you've been one of the highlights of my day." He smiled at her words. "The jerk was this guy named Brandon. He bumped into me then yelled at me and then said I had a 'sweet ass'. Luckily my roommate, Maya saved me."

"Your lucky. Maya's one of my best friends. I guess that means we'll be seeing more of each other." Lucas said smirking.

"I guess so." She said slightly blushing.


MAYA-Come to the dorm asap you need to meet Sarah.

"Well I gotta go meet someone named Sarah apparently. I'll see you around?"

"Yeah and Riley stay away from Brandon he's trouble." Lucas hated Brandon. He is a real asshole. Even though Lucas had just met Riley he didn't like the thought of a girl like her with Brandon. She is why better than the types of girls Brandon hooks up with.

"Alright." She nodded and smiled. "But you know I can't help it if he finds me irresistible." She said while flipping her hair.

"Don't get full of yourself now." He said laughing.

"I'll try my best." She got up and started to walk towards the building.

Lucas just sat there ball in hand and smiling.

Sorry for the long chapter. Please comment and tell me what you think!

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