Chapter 1

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Raven was on her bed, about to fall asleep after a long day of kicking the hives ass, when someone knocked on the door.
    "Raven? you want anything to eat?" Beast Boy asked.
    She hasn't aren't anything for a while. So she gets up an opens her door. There was Beast Boy holding a plate that has a blueberry muffin on it. And in his other hand Ravens tea, boiled to perfection!
    "Thank you." She says.
    Before she could close the door he asked. "Do you have anyone to spend valentines with? You know the city's doing it for a month instead of a week this year." He nervously laughed.
    She let out a sigh."You know I don't...I never do...You?"
"Well," he said before hanging his head. "No...I wanted Terra to be my valentine, but she doesn't remember me. I'M GOING TO DIE ALONE!" He cried out.
Raven rolled her eyes. "I highly doubt that."
"What makes you say that?"
"BB! Get in here! You're so dead!" Cyborg yelled.
"Hide me?" Beast Boy asked.
Raven pulled Beast Boy into her room.
"Now, as I was saying," she said before someone knocked on her door. She opened to see Cyborg. "He's not here." She lied.
"How do you know I'm looking for him?" He asked.
"I heard you yell. I assume that is was you wanted to know?" She asked.
"Yeah, I guess so. Thanks anyway. Night."
"Night." She closed the door and turned to her bed where the shapeshifter was. "As I was saying; you won't die alone. Everyone has a someone, except me. You will find someone. Trust me Beat Boy, you will."
He looked at Raven. "Why aren't you supposed to fine someone? Doesn't everyone have someone?" He mocks.
"I'm half demon, I guess that's a deal breaker... Whatever. I wish I wasn't born, not like this anyways." She said looking at her hands. She thought he fell asleep on her bed or wasn't listening.
She was dead wrong. "You might not like who you are, but I do, we all do. You might like that you were born, but we're all glad you were! I'm glad you are like this, you make me feel normal. I'm 21 now! For fuck sakes! I'm still like this, but I have you guys to make me feel normal. Everyone here is more than happy you're here, that you're you." He said hugging her.
She was definitely shocked by the hug and his choice of words picked by her- now tall- green friend. She felt useful for once, outside of battles she's didn't feel like she was of much help. Now she felt like something.
She felt like nothing could ever change this moment. She was falling asleep to his heartbeat, and didn't want to move. Move. Come on! This is BB! You're his friend! But it feels so relaxing! I'm so exhausted! She didn't move but fell asleep. Beast Boy noticed before laying down.
"You're lucky I took a shower, Rae." He said before passing out on her bed.

Raven woke up to see a sleeping Beast Boy. He was holding her close, and she didn't even notice. She let out a Yelp when she did. This woke the sleeping green boy.
He looked down and at Raven. He let go and sat up. "I-I'm sorry Rave...I did mean to. Honest! You just fell asleep on my chest and I was starting to dose off to. I'm sorry." He said looking down and blushing. Raven did the same.
"I'm sorry for falling asleep on you. I didn't mean to. I was just really tired." She said.
"It's fine, really. It's not like we fucked! We're friends, we can cuddle, there is no rule about that. Trust me, it's fine." Beast Boy said.
"Fair point." Raven said. She looked at her digital clock. "We should go eat. It's almost noon." She said turning back to The green boy. They were a couple inches apart, and the green haired boy was smiling.
"What's with the look?" She asked.
"Tofu!" He said dragging her out of the room.

When the two got into the kitchen and living area, everyone was looking at them with confusion.
"He dragged me out of bed." Raven said.
"You are up later than the usual Raven. Would you care to do the explain of the why?" Star asked. "It is no due to being the depression of losing your ex?" Star Fire asked.
"No Star. I'm fine. I was just tired." Raven lied. She was just comfortable next to Beast Boy. She just didn't want to admit it.
"And on that note," Beast Boy said holding Ravens hands from behind, resting his head on her shoulder. "Raven? Will you be my Valentine for the month ?" Beast Boy asked.
Raven blushed at the position and the question. She was shocked. She looked at Beast Boy.
"Why?" She asked turning around. Now facing the beast.
"You need a Valentine, I need one too. We're friends, it'll be fun! Also we need to have a Valentine for the annual Valentine day/week/month this year. I know you just got out of a bad relationship, but I won't be like him. Please Rae Rae?" He said.
Out of all the shocked faces in the room, Ravens was the prize winner. She looked at his eye. They were serious, and filled with hope.
    "Okay, but no couple stuff." She said crossing her arms and getting her tea. She took a sip and savors it.
    "I can do that. But can you still cuddle me?" He asked.
    "What are you talking about?" The pail girl asked.
    "During the scary movie night. You know; Tonight." He reminds her.
    "If I get scared, then yes. Other wise, I wouldn't make a move." She said harshly.
    Beast Boy shrugged it off, as it was nothing new. 'Cause it wasn't. She'd get scared and jump to him and almost never let go, she just didn't like to admit it.
    "Hey...Star?" Robin said nervously.
    "Yes Robin?" Star said smiling a wide smile.
    "With you be my valentine?" Robin asked.
    "Is it the tradition to ask your own girlfriend?" She asked.
    "Sort of," He said shyly.
    "I accept! Oh this is a glorious day!"
    They all ate, but right after they did, Doctor Light was at it again.

Be my valentine for the month? (Bbrae fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now