Chapter 2

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Right after they got back from a long hard day of kicking ass, they sat down on the couch and put in Annabelle.
It's about a creepy haunted doll. Her name is 'Annabelle' and it's based off a true story.
Raven got scared at a lot of the parts. Like when the old man was about to go into the church, but got pushed back out. Raven jumped to Beat Boy, and when she heard his heartbeat she calmed down. She stayed by him. Beast Boy relaxed and comfort the scared pail half demon.
How could anyone hit or yell at her for the dumbest shit? She can be sweet. She's adorable when she's like this! Beast Boy thought as he looked at her. The thought made him blush.
Raven would get scared and bury her face in his chest. She blushed when she realized what she was doing. She heard his heart beat and her eyes dropped down lazily. She tried to stay away, but the sleep won.
Beast Boy looked at the girl with the blue cloche. She fell asleep! And on my chest! Again? Man, she gets too tired. The green boy though holding back a chuckle. But he couldn't fight off the smile on his face.

The next morning Raven woke up to Beast Boy looking at her.
"Why do I keep falling asleep on you?" She asked.
"I don't know. You need to get up though. The team thinks you're going crazier than usual ." He joked.
She scoffed at the dumb joke. She got off the boy.
"Oh come on Rave! It was funny!" He said grabbing her arm.
She got out of his hold and rolled her eyes. He frowned. He wanted to get to know his friend more.
He got a great idea. For once he was using his peanut sized brain. "Why don't we go to the park today? You know, hang out?" He said nervously, fear of rejection.
"It's snowing outside, Beast Boy. And I don't feel like going on a date with you." She said.
"Not a date more like going out to a park with a friend! It'll be fun." He said.
"Define fun." She said sarcastically.
"It'll be us and no one else. No one will see us. Promise. And if anyone does, so what. I know the last guy was an asshole and all, but I'm not...all the time.
Just give me a chance. You don't have to date me, but give me a chance to show you I won't hurt you." Beast Boy begged.
"Since when did you want to date Raven?" Cyborg asked with a smug smirk.
"Shut up Cy! I wasn't asking her out on a date! I-I just wanted to show her I'm better than all those dumbasses that hurt her." The green boy protests.
"What ever you you say." Cyborg sings.
The boy looked at a now shocked Raven. "So, what do you say?" He asked.
He offers an arm of which she hold onto.

    They walked around the snow infested park. Very few people were at the park that day.
    Raven was in a pair of jeans she bought for cold weather. A black Holster long sleeve shirts. And a big black coat, with five layers of cotton for insulation. Fake brown fur on the rim of the coats hood.
    Beast Boy was in his usual pants. A red Mike long sleeve shirt, one his father had worn on his parents first date. With a white thin wool jacket.
    "Aren't you cold?" Raven asked.
    He shook his head. I'm fine, besides; I love this jacket!" He said happily.
    He started to walk backwards.
    They started talking about her most recent ex, but she wasn't saying much. She was scare to tell anyone about it.
    "What did he do anyways? Be sides abuse you have to talk to At the very lease. Talk to me." He said holding Ravens gloved hands. They were still walking. She gave in, telling the green boy where trees were.
    "He did abuse me. Threats of killing me or himself. He's still beating on me. The bad thing is... I can't use my magic.  He has this protection spell, obviously it protects himself from any magic.
    "He's been stalking me a lot lately. I just wish he would go away." She said looking down. She wanted to cry, but she knew she couldn't. She was scared to do anything outside of the tower. At least she was safe-not really- there.
    "Oh, look what we have here! My Raven has returned home to me!" A man with blond hair, hazel eyes, and perfect teeth. His taste in clothes was  horrific. Wearing skin tights black jeans, and a very loose red jacket. If you were anything but straight he'd change that with a look. "And she's talking about me! All great things I assume? Now be a good girl and get away from the rat!" He said giving Beast Boy a look of jealousy and hate.
    Raven had been so distracted, she didn't see they had stopped walking. She also didn't realize the hate in the green boys eyes.
    Beast Boy moved in front of the fear stricken girl. He growled at the man. All he did was laugh his ass off.
    "What's so funny?" The green headed boy asked through gritted teeth.
    "You're trying to protect trash! My trash to be exact. Now step aside you idiot, what she told you is a lie." The blonde boy lied.
    The beast in Beast Boy was starting to show. He shape shifted into a lion. The blonde was even more amused. He'd known Beast Boy was a wimp. He would do anything bad.
    The huge green beast, moving with ease, pounced on the blonde.
    "Raven! Sweet heart? C-can't we talk this out? I don't want my head being ripped off!" He yelled.
    "I...I don't want to talk. Just leave me alone." She said only loud enough for the boys to hear.
    The blonde idiot nodded and as soon a he was up, he ran. A safe distance and the boy-man- shifted back. He gave the 22 year old girl.
    "I'm sorry." She said, crying in relief. He was gone!
    "For what? You did nothing. He's the inconsiderate asshole. I just scared the shit out of him." He joked-not really.
    Raven giggled at the joke. Beast Boy moved a piece of hair out of her face, and tucked it safely behind her ear. He kissed her forehead. They stared at each other for what seemed like hours.
    "W-we should get going back." The green boy studded not daring to break eye contact.
    "Yeah." The smaller girl said breaking the eyes contact. "It's getting cold and dark.

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