Chapter 6

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Raven's Pov

I walk out into the living area.
"You guys were really loud, you know, with you and Beast boy exercising." Robin said.
I stop and look at him.
"What?!" I said almost yelling.
"Well, I mean, you guys had loud music on, in Beast boys room, when I got home with Star. I am not complaining, it wasn't bad music." Robin said.
"Yes, it was quite enjoyable! Thank you for not being too loud." Star said.
I was as red as ever.
"Hey Rae Rae! What's with the red face?" Beast boy asked.
"Ask them." I said pointing to Robin and Star.
They told him the same thing.
"Rae." He said looking at me. "We only do it when everyone is gone from here on out."
"No kidding." I said.

Bb's Pov

This is so embarrassing! Did we seriously do that? Do we have that loud of music last night?! I thought her moans were louder! Well, at least they didn't really hear us.
"I remember once, I walked past Robins room, and kid flash was fucking him. I wish they had music on." I said.
Robin threw something at me.
"S-shut up!" His voice cracked as he stuttered.
I laughed and everyone looked at me.
"Did someone call my name?" Kid flash asked.
I didn't even mean to bring him here!
"Sorry, Robin." I said.
"It's fine." He lied.
"Robin." Kid Flash said walking closer to him.
"Go." Star said.
"Look, I'm sorry I hurt you. I didn't didn't want to, I swear! Please give me another chance!" KF begged.
Star started floating up with star beams being developed. KF ran out fast than you could say stop; literally.
I felt bad. I know how Robin is about KF, he's still sort of hung up on him.
I'm a fuck up.
"I'm sorry." I said.
"It's his fault he came here. Not yours." Robin said with an annoyed look.
Raven smiles at me. And we go back to our fates.

KF's Pov
I'll get Robin back, one day.

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