Chapter 13

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*Louis' POV*


I can see lots of bright lights flashing in my eyes and definitely hear lots of deafening screams but luckily, they were all from outside. I wonder why they still haven't mobbed me yet... then my eyes lead me to the door, where the girl from the counter was holding the door closed.

Her puzzled eyes meet mine as she yelled "What the hell?!" over the screams, 

I wanted to say something but I knew that Megs and I have to get out of this café now. Like right now. Ugh I really hope that Megs understands. This is just how my life is. NOT A SINGLE FREEDOM.

I jogged out to the back door, dragging Megs along with me, holding her soft and fragile hands. She seems to understand what is going on and didn't say a word... she just tagged along. I keep following the signs that says 'exit' and finally we reached a big red door. I pulled the knob open and luckily, the view was exactly what I was hoping for; empty car park. But it won't be empty for longer. My car was still parked at the cemetery so we have to walk... or run all the way back. I knew with all the screaming girls out there, I wouldn't be able to make it without getting mobbed.

I am wrecking my brain trying to remember the lessons we had with Paul for when we get mobbed without any bodyguards. I can remember me being there, but not paying attention to the lesson, instead making up fart jokes with Harry.

UGHH...why am I so irresponsible sometimes? Ok well... most of the times, I am immature and messy. But what the heck do I do now? I can't go into the crowd and sign whatever the girls want me to sign or take photos because there're just so many of them... probably thousands.

My brain did a little 'ting' like when I have an extra good idea. At least I think it is an idea...

*Megs' POV*

I knew something like this was going to happen... since it's Louis Tomlinson of One Direction. The whole front of the café is filled up with thousands of screaming girls but the inside was empty because that girl from the counter before was holding the door closed. I was wondering how one girl can hold off thousands of girls when Louis grabbed my hands and ran off to the back of the café. I mouthed the girl a small thank you but I don't think she saw me.

We reached the big red door and Louis pulled the handle open but I was surprised to see that the car park was empty... hmm this is strange... I can see Louis trying to think hard for a while, him with his little scrunched up face. I just stood there with him still holding his hand and decided to stay quiet.

Suddenly, his face lit up and I knew he had something... perhaps some ideas... but hopefully it's good.

"I got it!" he say out of nowhere and I am pretty sure he was talking about a plan for our escape.

"Yes?" I ask curiously.

"Ok, you know how our cars are parked all the way back at the cemetery?" he ask and I nod along, "Can you run?" he ask cheekily. What? We are going to run all the way there... with many of those squealing girls chasing us...?

"No, not us" he says. Wait, did I just said my thoughts aloud?

"Yes you did Megs," he says again, smirking.

"I did? Whatever, ok just get back to your plan," I say frustrated because he is still joking around in this serious time.

"We won't be going together... we have to go separate ways."

"How though? I am pretty sure they saw both of us together..."

"Yes... they might have seen us together but I will go out to this 'crowd' by myself first to distract them"


"While I am distracting them, hopefully you will just blend in with them for a while... and then you run all the way to your car and leave this place." 

What? I am not leaving without him.

"I will text you where we will meet back after I escape the crowd... ok?" he reassures me, his hands now holding on both sides of my arms.

"I will see you again... right-t?" I stuttered, scared to talk. I can't lose him. Not again. Not over this crowd.

"Yes, of course you will... I need your number"

"Oh yeah here, give me your phone." He hands me his phone and I add myself in his contacts.

"Alright... I will see you... soon..." he hugs me briefly and go back into the café to tackle the crowd... somehow. I go the separate way from him and exit myself from the back of the café. I squeeze myself into the gigantic crowd and luckily, no one noticed me because everyone's attention is on Louis... who is unexpectedly not mobbed and signing people's posters and albums inside the café sitting at one of the tables. The girl from the counter is still holding the door but this time, she is letting people in, a few at a time. She catches my eyes and raised her eyebrows at me. I pretend that I haven't seen her and run all the way back towards the cemetery.

I reach my car and fortunately, no one was there. I step into my car and start the engine. I sigh in relief as it starts to roar into life. This day is certainly has been long and it seems like it was ages ago since I saw Louis at the cemetery this morning... I don't know where to go and my mind is still on Louis... he said he would text me... it has been 15 minutes since we went separate ways... I turn into McDonald's since I need time to think and it's far enough from the cemetery to have fans chase me.

As I exit myself out of the car, my phone beeps. "Yes! Finally a message from Lou!" I think happily... but it was from Celine, who is the closest friend I have at uni.

From : Celineee :P


Uh-oh. What did she see on TV of me and Lou? I never told her anything about my childhood with Lou... or anything so deep about me... even my parents' death... I keep things to myself most of the times...

To : Celineee :P

What did you see?

I press send and hope that it wasn't me and Lou kissing in the café that she saw on TV... I got a reply back straightway.

From : Celineee :P


Oh my gosh... what a relief... well, it's not really a huge relief but a part of it is... just because it wasn't us kissing in the café but now I really feel bad for not telling Celine... and also because I am apparantly all over the news... oh gosh...

To : Celineee :P

I am sorry Cel, I will explain everything soon x

*Louis' POV*

I am still signing for fans as minutes went by. I can't stay here anymore... and I have to text Megs and go after her. After I finished signing for the tall blonde girl, I stood up and ran out of the café like my life depended on it... actually my life depended on it... because Megs is my life.

I finally got to my car with a few girls still after me and I started the engine. I have to get out of here first then text Megs. After driving for about an hour, I reached a gas station and I decided to stop and text Megs.

I opened my phone for the first time since the signing and saw that I had 26 missed calls and 50 messages. Confused, I opened the missed calls section first and it said I had 12 missed calls from Harry, 7 from Liam and 3 each from Niall and Zayn. What is going on? They know that I went to the cemetery to see Megs' parents' graves and maybe Megs. I decided to see the messages, which are all from the boys and most of them say 'Call me back ASAP'.

A/N - Thanks for reading! Keep voting and commenting if you like this chapter! :) xo

You Left Me (Louis Tomlinson FanFiction) EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now