Chapter 17

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A/N - enjoy reading guys! I am trying my best to update faster but with lots of assignments due this week PLUS exams... sighs... well this is an update! Don't forget to comment your thoughts and vote (only if you liked it and want me to update faster because the votes makes me more happy!) :) xoxo



-------- RECAP --------

"ELLL!! THE Louis Tomlinson is my bro! And he's hugging me! Arghhhhhh!" I squeal which makes El chuckle and I think we passed this awkward moment… only with a million more to come…

-------- END OF RECAP --------

*Megs' POV*

I am now on my way to Lou's house that he shares with... I think Harry? Lou and Eleanor went out for the night as 'suggested' by Jonny and I was sent 'home' in a big black limo. I have never expected this in my life to happen… all this is too much for me to take in… in just one day. I need to talk about this with someone so I dialled Celine number.

"Oh my freaking gosh Megan!! What the hell is happening?!" she screams so loud that I have to put my phone away from my ear.

"Hey Cel" I reply casually.

"Where the hell are you now? Is Louis with you? How come you're hanging out with him? Are you guys going out? What is going on?!" she chucked all those questions at me.

"Cel… I have something I have to tell you…"

"Oh my gosh! You ARE going out with him!! Aren't you?!" Pfft I wish Cel… I wish…

"Umm…" Should I tell her the whole story or the 'soon-to-be' public version?

"Yeah…?!" her voice sounding more excited by the minute.

"Well… Louis is my… uhhh…my…umm… step-brother" I decide to go with the public version.

"WHAT?!" I pull the phone away from my ear again. I have to remind myself not to talk to Cel on the phone again. She really is a loud girl.

"Umm yeah…" I reply not knowing what else to say.

"YOU are THE Louis Tomlinson's STEP-SISTER?! Why didn’t you tell me that before?! Is Louis there with you OMG! You're with ONE DIRECTION?! I… can't… breathe…" oh yes, typical Celine with her obsession of One Direction.


"HOW ARE YOU SO CALM ABOUT THIS?! WHERE ARE YOU NOW?!? Or wait… are you allowed to tell me?"

"I trust you enough Cel" I smile over the phone, "I am on my way to the house that Louis shares with… I think Harry?"

"OH MY GOSH!!! You're going to be living with them?! Can I like visit you?"

You Left Me (Louis Tomlinson FanFiction) EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now