Because i bet you never thought about it this way ;)

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She walks down the endless concrete drive, silent but for the crunch of leaves under her feet, and the sounds of her own breathing. Sometimes, she finds herself thinking of how grateful she is that she wasn't born in autumn, but in spring, because unlike others, she thinks about things like the leaves. Thinks about how one day, we'll all die and decompose, and become part of the ground, and possibly grow into a tree. Thinks about how maybe one day, all we'll ever be is autumn leaves, alive as ever, but dying; lucky if we get to live more than a year; counting the days until we get ripped apart, forgotten and trodden under the feet of someone who'll be just like us, one day. One day, maybe I'll be one of you, she thinks, stepping to the right in order to avoid as many leaves as possible. She reconsiders, and veers back onto her previous path. But not today... She walks down the endless concrete drive, silent but for the crunch of the leaves under her feet, and the sounds of her own breathing.

The Scrambled Philosophies That I Call Thoughtsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें