14. lighthouse

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Cage the Elephant- Trouble

14. lighthouse

Dr.McKinley is staring at my tattoo as if it's some kind of foreign thing. Believe me when I say it's not something I'm proud of, but he's my shrink. He should be saying something along the lines of we all make mistakes, we're human and it's okay.

"Shit," He breathes and my eyes widen at his sudden profanity.

"Thanks Doc. You made me feel a lot better about myself." I slip my fuzzy sock back on.

"Now hold on. What prompted this decision?"

"I was drunk. I have no idea."

"What prompted you to get drunk?"

I shrug lightly, pulling my knees up to my chest. "I just..."

"What?" He urges me on.

"You know what,"

"Noah." He says his name slowly, almost tasting it. "You know, I thought you were done with your grieving, but I don't think you are."

I part my lips to argue against his statement, but quickly seal my lips shut again. How can I argue against what he just said? "I don't think I am either."

"Look, I'm not going to tell you that you have to accept what happened to you in your past and move on without ever looking back." He sets his glasses down on the table and now I know he's going to get real. "It's crucial you turn around and look at your past. You don't have to accept it, but you damn well have to acknowledge it's there and that it will always be a part of you. But it has no say in what will become of you. Understand?"

I nod, absorbing in all his words as he gives them. "Understand."

"Good." He nods, then looks down at his wrist where his watch is. "You may go now. I'll see you on Thursday."

"See you, Doc." I stand onto my feet and sling my book bag over my shoulder, the clatters of paint cans and paintbrushes can be heard. I leave Dr. McKinley's office and am on my way to the elevator when I spot a familiar person, down the hall, looking at all the signs with a confused expression.

"Luke?" I call out. His eyes find me and he seemingly relaxes then smiles, only one side of his lips caring to pull up. "What are you doing here?"

"Looking for you." He walk over to where I'm standing. It's then I notice he's holding my favorite sweater, the one I left in his car. "This is yours."

"Right." I take it from him and once the elevator doors open, we both step in.

"How's the foot?" He gestures down to my bright neon green slippers.

"Better." I answer honestly. "Uh-thanks again for looking after me that night."

He frowns slightly. "Yeah."

"How'd you know I was here today?"

"You told me you're here every Tuesday and Thursday." We walk out the elevator side by side, and once outside, we stop in front of his car where he lights a cigarette. "You're doing anything now?"

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