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warning gore and death details !!

Tara's Pov :

"hey." luke smirks as he smacks my butt. i smacked his arm as he tries to hit me again and he makes a weird noise. i smirk at him as i walk him somewhere. "wanna ditch?" i smirk and he nodded thinking this was gonna be some fun. not for him...

"he's gone." ashton cries and i pat his back. "i know remember we just gotta... keep living." i pretended to get coked up before continuing. acting lessions helped a lot.

we walked towards a different abandoned building and luke whistled. "kinky." he smirked and i quietly shook my head in disgust as i led him inside.

i comforted ashton for a while before i became bored of it. i felt bad....i really did, but luke deserved all the pain i put upon him.

he sat in the chair in the middle of the room as i began "making out" with him. it disgusted me but just as it got intense i slapped him. i quickly stood up as he looked like he craved more and i shook my head grabbing the rope. "kinky." he smirked as i tied him up. i quickly go to a back room and grab a cart and dump all my weapons on it.

i comfort ashton as he tries to do the same as well. "how could you just sit there..." he cried. really blaming me? "you could've stopped the murderer." he continues. i shake my head and sigh. "i was tied up and i did try to help. they got me with a hammer." i sigh trying to keep the happiness out of my voice as i patted his back with my broken hand.

i begin to pick up the hammer and watch as his eyes go from lustful to fearful. "don't worry it'll be quick & painful." i smirk this time and a single tear slips down his cheek. i hit his index finger first, gaining a yelp from his lips.

"hey...lets go get something to eat." i lift his chin and give him a small grin. "you... you wanna eat in a time of murder?" he stops crying and i turn letting him clean up. i didn't understand why he was crying. luke wasn't important to him, with luke gone it meant that ash moved up on the popularity scale.

i walked into the hallway of the little apartment his family and him shared. "hi ms.irwin. i'm gonna leave him to clean up. i'll be back in a bit with food." i tell her and she nods. "get us something too." she smiles handing me £14 and i give her a grin back to be friendly. she thanks me again before going back to what she had been doing.

i walked down the stairs and thought about the tan officer-calum.

i finished with his fingers and grabbed a knife sticking it in his thigh, a little softer than i did with mikey. i didn't let him go before he was still strong enough to over power me. i continue and grab another, sticking it into his stomach and yanking it out. "enjoy your 30 minutes of life." i smile and he looks at me in pure fear. "why?" he choked as a bit of blood flowed out of his mouth. "you will never know."

the officer seem suspicious as to why she was at the scene again.

she sat lukes head on her lap and began crying. it wasn't real like i had said before. his body was about lifeless. he struggled for air as his life was coming to an end. "ju-just tell ash i-i love him." he chokes out before coughing up blood. i watch his eyes go lifeless and sigh. i 'screamed' and 'cried' as i waited for the police.

her hands clenched around the money as memories resurfaced from the back of her mind.

never again.

"ma'ma?" the familiar voice was heard in between sobs and she tried to look up. "are you ok? did the man hurt you this time?" the officer was frantic as if he was going to be killed at this moment. hey i wasn't that mean. she moved her hand that was resting upon lukes chest and cringed at the pain. "what happened?" he asked looking at how swollen it was.

i head towards the shops and hope to find peace and quiet in this. i enter a panda express and order. i wait for a while before someone taps me on the shoulder. "hey tamera!" a familiar voice perks. i turn at the sound of my ugly name and see calum. his broad shoulders weren't covered. he was wearing a black 'drop dead' muscle tank and black skinny jeans. i looked down at my shoes and noticed we had he same high tops. "i like your shoes."

he began to wrap my hand and pull me away from the body. "are you hurt anywhere else?" he asks and i shake my head. "why are you here again? were they your boyfriends or?" he wore a look of suspicion and let out a shaky breath. "um- no they were my bestfriends. the killer person said they wanted me to suffer by watching them suffer." i lie and he actual believes it.

"how's your hand?" he points to the wrapped joint. "ok. still hurts but ok." i give him a grin and he nods. "good-"

"tara!" the lady at the front calls and i run to get the food, quickly thanking the lady, and running back to the guy i was talking to earlier. "i gotta head out but maybe we can get some coffee later." i suggest.

"that would be great." we share a smile and i head out.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2016 ⏰

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