The "bro time."

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John's POV:

Today, today was the day that the nerd, A.K.A "straight" boy, went to hang with his bro, dave. John was so excited! Shit, he couldn't even keep still to pull up his khaki shorts he was so excited.

After five minutes of struggling with his shorts, he rushed over and plucked his phone from his charger. He decided to text dave and tell him that he was coming a bit early, hopefully dave is 'chill' with that.

He giggled to himself for thinking about the way he had said chill in his head and started pestering dave.

EctoBiologist began pestering: TurnTechGodhead.

EB: Hey Dave!

TG: sup egderp

EB: I was wondering if I could come early, and stop calling me that!

TG: sure thing and no can do egderp its fucking ironic

EB: fine, im on my way now!

TG: see you when you get here egdork

EB: bye dave! :B

EctoBiologist ceased pestering with: TurnTechGodhead.

He sighed and put his phone in his pocket. Why with the dorky nicknames? Did dave really have to do that? John shook his head, and gave a large grin, revealing his buck teeth as he put his blue converse on, and fixed his hair the best he could.

He ran down the steps, catching himself on the banister before he fell and ran out the door, closing it behind him. His dad was on a business trip, as usual, so he would be gone for a couple of days, a week even, but hey as long as there was no cake being forced into his mouth 24/7, he was fine with his dad being gone that long.

Author, be the cool kid.

You cannot be the cool kid because he is too busy cleaning the place up. Smuppet-buttock is every fucking where at the moment.

Also, the cool kid is now rushing out of his apartment for some odd ironic shitty reason. What the actual fuck?

Author, turn back a few and find out what the fuck he's doing! He can't just run out and leave a cliff-hanger! Not on my fucking schedule, what's wrong with him?!

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