So much for bro time..?

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Dave's POV:

Dave lazily sat up, he rubbed his eye from under his shades and picked his phone up. It unexpectedly dinged and scared the absolute shit out of him.

At least bro wasn't in the living room to make fun of him for that. He looked down at his phone to see a message from egdork, or John either one works.

EctoBoiologist began pestering TurnTechGodhead.

EB:  Hey Dave!

TG: sup egdork

EB: I was wondering if I could come early, and stop calling me that!

TG: sure thing and no can do egderp its fucking ironic

EB: Fine, I'm on my way now!

TG: see you when you get here egdork

EB: Bye Dave! :B

EctoBiologist ceased pestering with: TurnTechGodhead.

Dave Let out a small muffled grumble in a pillow beside him as he got up from the couch, throwing the pillow down after complaining into it.

He scanned the war-zone before him and looked down at his feet before jumping into the trash piles, and trying to conquer the mess of smuppet-buttock.


He finally finished, throwing the last of the smuppets into a closet. He wiped his brow and trudged over to the kitchen. He opened the fridge door and- OH MY JEGUS FUCK THERE'S NO AJ!!

Dave stood there, unable to process the empty space that once was filled  bye the luxorious bottle of aj.


his older brother walked down the stairs  a smirk plastered on his face.he looked at the opened fridge and chuckled.

"What if I did, lil'  man?"

"Bbbrrrrroooo!!! John's coming over and I won't have any aj to drink!"


Dave gave a bitch face to his bro and closed the fridge door, grumbling as he nudges past his bro. He pulled his sneakers on and walked out the door, slamming it as he does.

He opened the door back up, and looked into bro's anime shades, since he couldn't look into his eyes.

"try not to scar egderp for life ok?"

Before bro could reply, he closes the door back, and makes his way down the block.

Shhhhiiiiittt. He forgot his phone and he forgot to warn John about his bro only being there...hopefully the dork won't be too upset with him.

As dave closes the door, bro gave the almighty famous strider smirk.

"No promises, lil' man..."

Author, check up on the dorky "straight" boy.


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