Gas Pumps.

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Note: This chapter has the only very minor mention of one passing away. Please take notice.


With a whistle from the bell on the top of the door, and the drumming of worn tennis shoes, two 9 year old boys enter a gas station.

Their father not far behind them, the two boys headed straight for the refrigerators filled with caffeinated drinks as the eye could see. The nine year old boys stopped in front of one of the glass doors- presenting it sweet nectar of sodas to the blonde duo.

Their father was in a nearby aisle filled sugar treats. A lady was looking at the selections of nick nacks further away- by the windows.

"Mattie what are you gonna get?" The most hyper of the two; aquamarine irises gleaming in the harsh white lighting.

The gentler of the two, Mattie, gestured at the green bottles in the middle of the selections. "I'm going to get some Sprite."

The other boy rolled his eyes at the statement and made quick haste to open the door. "You always get that bro. Either water or sprite related drinks!" The blue eyed boy reached down to grab a A&W rootbeer. "Unlike me! I always change up my options!"

Mattie sighed at his brother's sayings and reached for his own bottle from the still-open refrigerator. "Al, you always get Coca-Cola to drink. No matter whether it's at home or at a restaurant." Al scrunched up his nose, a faint blush of embarrassment on his cheeks, and stuck out his tongue to his brother. "Your lie'ng!" Mattie refuted back to the other, but never finished when Al ran over to their emerald eyed father.

"Dad! Mattie's lie'ng!" Al grabbed his startled Father's arm- pout on the boy's lips. "No I'm not!" Mattie rushed over to defend his case.

"Boys, Boys!" Dad laughed lightly, words laced with a british accent. He took a quick glance of the small number of people; making sure his boys weren't causing too much commotion. He looked at Mattie and Al, giving a small nudge to Al with his captured arm. "How about you two go pick out some snacks to go with your beverages?"

Pairs of blue eyes widen behind twin wired frames, and with mischievous grins, the kids rushed down the aisle for the candies.

Al grabbed a bag of M&Ms while Mattie had picked a package of sour gummy worms. Then following their father- with his own bag of cookies- up to the front of the store to purchase their food and sodas.

While Dad handled swiping his card to pay for their selections, Al and Mattie stood by watching two people outside pump oil into their cars.

"Sorry I called you a liar." Al mumbled softly. Powder blue eyes blinked at his identical brother. "I can give you some of my M&Ms so you can forgive me." Mattie smiled at his brother.

Dad then called for them to collect their items, soon saying how they "needed to collect Papa from work"; and as they exited the gas station into warm summer air, Mattie bumped shoulders with Al. "We can both share our candy if you want."

A large toothy beam and giggles from both 9 year olds, Al rushed to the car with Mattie hot on his heels.

~ ~ ~ ~

Alfred flinched in surprise when the gas pump stopped its ejection of oil. The 22 year old stood still for a few seconds then proceeded to shake the gas handle from his car; placing it back on its place on the pump.

He finished paying for his refuel when his aquamarine eyes scanned his surroundings. Another person was outside with him in the cold night, still putting gas into their vehicle. An older woman inside was selecting meal items near the miscellaneous items- or nick nacks- is what he likes to call them.

The blonde haired man entered his car door when he caught a glimpse of a black tuxedo in the car's rearview mirror.

Alfred was driving out to see his family for the next couple of days; hence why he stopped late at night to refuel on car oil. For some odd reason a memory of him and his twin brother Matthew, had popped up in his head while pumping gas. Alfred had forgotten that memory. Seeing how it was 13 years ago. The American boy vaguely recalls that his Dad had stopped to get Matthew and him a treat before getting Papa from work.

If only solving arguments now can be done by sharing sugary snacks.

Alfred avoid the gaze of the suit behind him, the sinking feeling of why he had the suit erupting in his heart, as he started to drive his way from the gas station.

While an unopened bottle of sprite sitting next to him, made him feel even more sick.

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