Re-Edit of this thing.

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So hi.

How  'ya do'in?

So- it's been a year since I've been on these site, and a little less of this ....thing has been up.

Looking back on it- I question what my younger self thought.

So! Since I am a person who wants to gain people because they like what I create- I'm gonna do a little re-edit of this thing.

For starters, I'm not gonna use OCs or scenario stuff anymore. More than likely I'll be deleting probably all of these chapters I have up. (About 80 too- Jesus Christ little me wtf-).

Instead I'll be writing actual stories about the Hetalia fandom. Not only do I have AUs that I actually want to write down, but I actually want a place to place one-shots and drabbles of the Hetalia characters (I need to later look up the definition of one-shots and drabbles b/c I don't think I'm using those terms right).

I want to be considered to be a place where people can find my writings and like it for what I create. Not feel stupid and so naive b/c I liked creating scenarios btw the Hetalia characters and OCs.

So yeah.

Expect editing of this thing.

....Hope you don't hate me for doing so.


Nit-picks Of Hetalia Stories [Under Editing]Where stories live. Discover now