Day one

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Authors little note~ Okay, so none of this EVER happened to me!!! I just got an idea today in school and decieded to write about it!! SO IT NEVER HAPPENED TO ME!!!! Just the perspective of a girl in 9/ll so keep that in mind! Thanks!


My third perioid teacher Mrs.Harmon was talking about explosions again, as her ADD kept kicking in. I normally liked this teacher, but today I was just not in the mood. She had ADD so she kept losing track of what she was talking about. I normally laughed at her, with the class. Today though, I was hungry, I was onery, and I just didn't feel write. I don't know what it was, because it was a beautiful Septemer morning, the birds were chirping loudly outside, there was a few white clouds in the sky. Which was great wheather considering it was Utah. I live in Roy, Utah. Everybody else seemed to be happy, but me. I don't know what it was, but it wasn't a good feeling.

I had my left hand, propped up against my left cheek, and I tapped my four right hand fingers sliently. My right thumb, being the only finger that remained still. I tuned out Mrs. Harmon, and focused on my fingers. They had a fresh coat, of pink nailpolish on them. Then I looked at my blonde curly hair. I hope it looks good. It took about thirty minutes to do this morning. Which doesn't surprise me. I am faster at curling my hair, than straightening it. I looked out of the window of Rocky Mountain Junior High, and examined my surrounding.

There was trees. Trees with bark a fading brown, turning into almost white. Old trees. With stories to tell, if they could. They still had lush green leaves covering the top of them, giving them life. There were nearby houses across the street, and every so often a couple of cars would pass by.

Sat up and fixed my curly hair. I took both hands, and brushed my hair behind me.I pulled lipgloss out of my pocket and "glossed up." As I called it. Then I rubbed some perfume stuff on me, and then I returned to my original position, my left hand squishing my cheek, and my right hand flat ant the desk.

Every now and then I hear Mrs. Harmon say something, then I just heard a blah blah blah. I closed my eyes and opened them slowly. Finally I was half awake, partially asleep. Then, an image of my dad, who was on a buisness  trip to New York in the world trade center, popped into my head. I saw a plane, with guys with ragged clothes and a red bandana covering their heads screaming at plane passengers. I wathched the plane run into one of the buldings, and then I heard screams.

I very quickly opened my eyes, and examined my surroundings. I understood that was the dismissal bell, and I quickly gathered up my stuff, and rushed to my fading blue locker. Greeted by my best friends. I was still kind of nervous about that dream I had. Maybe that's why im nervous? But then I quickly brushed the thought away, and continued getting my books for my next class.

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