Will day one end?

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I let out a sigh of relief when the dismisal bell for seventh period finally rang, sounding like heavens horns. I rushed out of my science class with Mr.Wray who talked about Michigan with Derek all period. I liked Mr.Wray, he was a really good teacher. Despite all the arguing he did with Derek.

Derek was this really funny slash annoying popular kid. He was a twin, his twin's name was Dalton. Dalton had autism so he was reallyannoying as well. So I walked fastly out of the building  trying to avoid all of my friends, and quickly walked home. I wanted to get there so I could be greated by my smiling mom, my annoying little brother, and my daddy. I started tearing up as the thought of him entered my mind.

 I approached my front yard, half surprised to find all of my family member's cars parked all over the place. I started to shake as I opened the door. I walked inside to a muggy room full with people I know. My Grandma Janice, My aunt and ucnle, my great aunt and uncle, my great grandma Judith, and my uncle Philipe. He is from spain, he was originaly from here but he met a girl who was going to school here in Utah and had to go back as soon as she finished. He aparently fell in love and learned her launguage and went back to Spain to marry her, and meet her familliy down there. The adults all had fake smiles on their faces. In their eyes, I could see sadness and sorrow, hinted off with worry.

"Klara!  How was your day hun?" My mom asked me brightly.

"Good." I answered quickly. Trying to hurry to my room.

"What's the matter hunny?" My grandma Judy asked me.

"Oh nothing, just want to get to my homework. Hey the twins are coming over after school."


Then they left it at that.

My mom then started to ball. Realeasing everything out.

I ran over to her and balled with her, while hugging her tightly.

"Noting is better than a mother's hug" I remember my oldest grandma telling me.

"Oh mom." I whispered to her.

Then most of my family came over to embrace us.

"I take it they showed you at school?" My mom asked me pulling back.


"What's the matter mommy?" A soft, sweet little voice asked.

My mom quickly let go and said,

"Nothing sweety! We are just emotional girls. How was your nap?" She said changing the subject quickly.

My little sister, Penolopie yawned.

"Good, I had a bad dream though. I had a dream that daddy died."

My mom, I could tell tried her hardest to hold back her tears.

"What was it about hun?" My grandma Judy asked.

"He died because some crazy man, crashed a plane into the big building that daddy works."

We all became quiete. Then my mom couldn't take it, she let out a yelp, and started to ball agin.

Every one but a few people in the room circled around my mother, to comfort her.

"What did I say?" Penny asked.

:Then one of my mo's friend said, noting, ow about you go watch a movie in the other room with Klara." She spoke then returned to soothing my mom.

"Come on, I will make popcorn." I spoke softly to her, while putting my left hand on her left shoulder. It wrinkled up her pink butterfly dress a little.

We returned to her play room, and I pulled out her easy bake.

"Pick out a movie."

Of course, she picked Barbie And The Nutcracker, her favorite movie, and put on her tutu and ballet slippers. Then she ran to the bathroom and came back with a water bottle, some pony tail holders, and a comb.

"Please?" She asked innocently.

I rolled my eyes, "Alright." I said and watched her blue eys grow bright and happy while she rushed over to me, and plopped down on the floor.er tutu hovering over her small knees. I put in the popcorn, and then started to do her hair while the movie played. Then there was a knock on the door.

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