Day one drags on

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Mr. Smith quickly turned off the video clip, some girls were tearing up while tthe boys just had a look of shcok on their face. Me, I couldn't believe, what I dreamed of came true. How? How did I know? Was that my dad's words of saying goodbye, and warning me? I quickly brushed the thought out of my mind and tried sticking to being positive. He's not dead, he made it out. Ikept telling my-self over again. But that horrible thought of my dad being dead still lingered in my mind. Making it hard to concentrate to my surroundings. It took a minute to register what had happened. First, I saw a plane launch into one of the most popular buildings in America. Second, why would a plane so powerful and sturdy do that? I had many more questions in my head.

Everybody was whispering amongst themselves.

"How did it happen?

"I don't know, do you think the piolet did a suicide dive?"


Then unexpecdadly, Mr.Smith spoke very quietly and sadly. Sorrow everywhere in his voice.

"News confirmed it was a terrorist attack. Two or three other planes, crashed into other places."

"What?" The class said in unison.

"Flight ninety six, took over the terrorist and killed themselves,along with all the terrorists inside the plane to save the WhiteHouse. A memorial will be held tomorrow for them.Mr.Smith sopke, very quietly and stared out the window as if he was in a trance.

"Mr. Smith, did you have anyone you know in one of thos plains or buildings?" Clara Carp bravely asked him.

"Not that I know of." He spoke back, coming out of his trance.

Then  the bell rang, indicating it was time to either get to class, or go to lunch. It was my lunchtime.

I met up with my friends, Bobby and Jake. They walked up to me and made a dirty joke like always. I pretened to laugh and look happy, but they knew me well eneough.

"What's going on?"Bobby asked.

"Yeah your acting sad and depressed it's kind of depressing."" Jake joked. I wasn't in the mood, I pushed them away and walked into the cafeteria. I found a seat in the back of the cafeteria, in a corner where noone was sitting. I wanted to be alone. But of course Jake and Bobby had to stride in, and ruin it. They brought me my famous chicken and potato salad with sunchips and a green Mountain Dew. That was what I always had for lunch. But I couldn't eat. I pushed the tray away and softly said

"Im not hungry today, but I really apreciate the effort."

Jake ad Bobby looked at each other. Then they looked back at me and said:

"Hey whats the matter? How come your so upset?"

I replied,

"Haven't you guys heard? There has been a terrorist attack and thw world trade centers toppled down. Also, the terrorist took down the Military base. But one plane got sick of it and took over the very last plane calld Flight Ninety Six, and crashed it into the ground. Those are our heroes, they saved the whitehouse."

Jake and Bobby looked stunned. All they could make out was


"Yeah really." I said shortly. Then they got a look of sympathy. They knew my dad was on a buisness trip and worked in the Trade Center building.

"Im sure he made it out, he's really tough and strong, really fast too." Bobby said. Then Jake added,

"Yeah your dad most definetly made it out." I smiled lightly. I was so lucky to have best friends likt these two twins.

"Thanks guys." I smiled and then went back to thinking.

"Do you want us to come over after school to prove it?" THey said.

I laughed, "Oh you boys always up for competition. Yeah, that would be great." I smiled. Then went about to eating my lunch.

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