Chapter 19 - Black Sky

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"You're lucky I'm in a good mood." Rose commented as she entered the kitchen, placing her bag down on the table.

"I apologise. I know you do not like unannounced visits, especially here, but it is important." He explained.

Rose shuffled through her handbag until she pulled out a couple of notes and held the money out for Stacey. "Why don't you go and grab us something to eat from the Noddle Box." Stacey glanced over at Nobu carefully before taking the money, getting the hint and leaving.

"Unlike you to send away your employees. I thought you trusted them with everything."

"I do, but she doesn't know enough, not yet anyway. Does this have anything to do with your shipment?" Rose got to the point, knowing Nobu had a container being delivered that night. "It's on schedule, no delays or problems, should be here by midnight."

"I would like the docks cleared." He stated. "For when it arrives."

"Little short notice." Rose stated.

"I have made sure that there will be no police in the area. I am aware it would have been better if I had come to you sooner, but I will double what I am already paying you for this shipment."

"You're already paying me double the regular price." Rose informed. To say she was curious was an understatement. Nobu hadn't said a word about what this shipment was. It was only one container and he had not explained why he had paid her double her usual price to have it delivered safely.

"Double it again." Nobu stated.

"Very well. I'll make some calls now." Rose went for her phone and rang up at the docks, explaining what was to be done. "I take it you will want your own men unloading the cargo?" She asked Nobu midway through the phone conversations. He nodded stiffy as a reply and Rose turned back to the conversation to reiterate that to her man at the docks. "It's done." She stated. "It'll take them about an hour to clear some space and be gone themselves. I suggest you place some of your men there now for precaution considering you're being rather strict about this one."

Nobu nodded once again before turning to leave.

"I don't want to push you for answers, Nobu." Rose stopped him. "But I do need to know if what is in that container is dangerous."

"You are not one to flinch from danger." He stated.

"What happened with the Russians... consider me alert." She shot back.

Nobu raised his chin a little before taking a slow step forward. "Each man must stand for himself or fall with the unworthy." Was his reply.

"Yes." Rose nodded. "So your cargo... is it to help you stand against Fisk if the time comes?"

He stared back for a long moment, silent and unmoving until he took another step forward. "You do not need to worry." He said before stepping backwards and leaving.

"Brilliant." Rose whispered to herself.

She waited until Stacey got back and the two took up a place each on the couch, eating their noodles and channel surfing.


He had gone to confront Leland Owlsley, he had gone to get answers, but instead he got tasered before an old friend came out of nowhere and told him to get on his feet. The man who had trained him. Taught him everything he knew. The only name he had was Stick and after Matt's father had died he had found him. Told him what was happening, to his senses and how to control them, how to fight. Before he abandoned him.

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