Chapter 36 - Cover All Grounds

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After Murphy had left, taking Martinez's SUV and dropping the generous amount of money to his friend for his help and Rose had filled everyone else in on what was happening, she went to the bar where Freya was on shift. As the sun set, more and more people started walking through the door and to take her mind of things Rose decided to help out behind the counter.

Her and Freya would exchange regular chitchat as any friends would with the occasional polite but pointless exchange with customers. It was 8pm when her phone began to ring. She excused herself and went to the back room for privacy.

"These phone calls are growing more and more frequent." Rose answered the phone. "I can't help but think it's because I'm now only one of two people you have to ring over business, Fisk."


"Excuse me?"

"Leland's body is lying at the bottom of an elevator shaft, I'd like your man to clean it up."

She didn't respond for a long while as Fisk waited patiently for her to speak, having nothing else to add. "I know you don't like being questioned on your actions, Wilson." The use of his first name probably wasn't the right call, but she didn't particularly care in that moment, "But I'm going to have to insist you explain this in a very careful way if you do in fact want my help. People around you are dropping like flies and I don't want to be next, however... I appear to be the last one standing."

"There were some irregularities in my funds. I took a guess that Welsey had noticed them and confronted Owsley about maybe taking a larger cut for himself than what was agreed upon and the accountant had responded violently. I was wrong, he didn't kill him. What he did do, however, was with the help of Madam Goa, he poisoned the wine at the benefit. Not to get to me, but to take out Vanessa so that my mind was back to being one of a more singular focus."

"You killed him for trying to kill her, I can understand that... but your still going to have to forgive my worried mind. You can surely see how this looks from my end of things."

"Yes, I do. So I'm going to do you the courtesy of filling you in on something I learnt this evening."

"Please do."

"Detective Hoffman is still in the city. Leland has had him hidden away somewhere in case I did find out what he's done and he would need leverage so that he may keep his life. His plan didn't work. But we have 24 hours to find Hoffman before he is taken to the police and tells them everything. Now of course I'm aware that Hoffman doesn't actually know anything about you, but I'm sure you can value the want to exterminate a potential rat in the network. I've got my men already working on it, but the extra help won't go unappreciated."

"24 hours is a tight time limit, but I'll do my best. Send me the coordinates of Leland's body and it'll be dealt with within the hour, but I'll need your men to stay put to unsure it's not found in the meantime."

"Of course."

The conversation ended and Rose left the back room and walked over to Freya. "Call Josie, have her cover the rest of your shift and come to the gym." She said quietly. Freya only nodded, knowing better than to ask questions in a crowded place. "Also send her my apologies for having her work on her night off, I'll pay her double time for it."

Rose left and sent out messages to have everyone gathered. When they had all arrived she informed them of Leland and Hoffman.

"I think the time is coming to rid us of Wilson Fisk." She then said after having filled them in. "I don't know how this is going to go, but it could be very dangerous, particularly because we don't have the number he does."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2017 ⏰

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