Season 2... HELP

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I have now edited and fine tuned this book and I am working on the next chapter, but I have a busy couple of weeks coming up so I'll try and update ASAP before I get hit with that, HOWEVER.

I have now finished watching Season 2 of Daredevil and... I NEED HELP.

I'm having trouble trying to work out Rose's placing in Season 2. I won't be doing a separate sequel book for Season 2, I want it all in this one and I know what I'm going to have happen with Rose at the end of Season 1, but... I seriously have nothing for Season 2. Nothing is coming to me and I desperately need some help. Also if anyone could give me the amount of time that is supposed to have passed between seasons, that would be great because I don't seem to recall anything being mentioned in the show.

So... HELP ME PLEASE! You can comment or send me a message, I don't mind.

I really liked Frank and I also liked Stick in this season, however I can't stand Elektra and Karen is also pissing me off, although she always has so that's nothing new. I would have liked to have seen more of Madame Gao, however and they're still using Claire as a sort of filler character and that's really pissing me off because she's a much better character than Karen and Elektra combined and my hate towards Matt's pairing with Karen and Elektra actually makes me ship him with Claire... Sorry. Rant. Had to. Help me.

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