PrIncess and Soulmates

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Chapter 1


Soulmates. Most people don't find their own. Only a lucky few would find theirs...

Someone's soulmate may even be in another world...

The story starts in the normal world with three girls... Three normal girls...

"May! Wake up! We're late!" June shouted from downstairs. May opened her eyes and looked at the ceiling groggily. She sighed and her eyes flickered to the Deidara plushie beside her and blinked. She then deadpanned.

"Excuse me but does anyone know why there is a paper moustache on Dei-dei-chan?,” she asked, ripping said moustache away from Dei-dei-chan’s face.

“It wasn’t me!” May protested, walking into the room. Both girls looked at each other and came to an unanimous conclusion.

“”Amber,” they said in sync.

Meanwhile, said girl was busy flipping eggs. She slid the spatula under the egg to realize that the egg had stuck to the pan. She frowned and put in a little more force...

She didn’t succeed in unsticking the egg, really. But she did succeed in making scrambled eggs!

She came out of the kitchen with three plates of scrambled eggs to see two girls waiting for her. One looking mildly amused while the other looked really, really irritated. She knew what was going to happen.

“If you want to kill me or anything, please allow me to put the scrambled eggs onto the table first. I don’t feel like cleaning up the mess,” she grumbled. They nodded and watched as the girl put down the plates. Once she was out of the range of the dining table, May struck.

Pulling out a baseball bat from literally nowhere, she swung it at Amber’s head. Amber didn’t even bother to dodge as she was sent flying down the corridor she was standing in front of, landing in her room that was at the end of that corridor. A giggle was heard from inside.

“I found my book of Dress-up cards!” Amber exclaimed. June rolled her eyes.

“Dress-up cards,” she stated, “Can’t you be less... I don’t know... Dumb?”

Amber’s head popped out of the room and she laughed once again. “I am dumb!” she grinned before the door to her room closed. If you listened carefully, you could hear whispers of “Burn it all!!” and cackles.

June and May looked at each other, unfazed, and walked back to the dining table to eat. This had already happened too many times for them to even spark a small amount of emotion in them.

They took their plates and started to eat.

“You know, I think that Deidara in a moustache sounds cool...” June mused. Something akin to exasperation sparked in May’s eyes before she looked down at her plate, shielding her face from June’s view. June began to back away slowly.

“Now, now...” she began, laughing nervously.

“WHY MUST YOU GUYS ABUSE MY DEI-DEI-CHAN SO?!” May screamed in fury and threw a very, very heavy hardcover encyclopedia at June. June ducked out of the way and ran into the safety of her room, bolting the door shut. May controlled her breathing and smirked.

“Hehehe... My master plan has worked.... I HAVE ALL THE SCRAMBLED EGGS TO MYSELF!! BUAHAHAHA!!!”

Meanwhile, in another world...

Three princes who went to the same school, frowned as they stared at their respective fathers. The tall one with coffee brown hair was frowning as he stood up from his seat and glared.

“Father, I do not seem to understand why we need to go to a mortal’s realm, a human’s realm just to retrieve three girls! Humans are despicable creatures. That is why their world was separated from ours!” he said, harlequin green eyes flashing a bit of scarlet. His tail flickered violently in and out of existence, something that happened only when he experience strong emotions. It's colour was black, which signified that he was angry.

“Damien! Stand down!” the current demon king scolded his son. Damien, the male that had stood up, narrowed his eyes but didn’t say anything, sitting back down onto his chair. The demon king continued speaking, “Those girls are your soulmates.”

“Impossible!” the male with pale skin and long, flowing purple hair breathed out, shocked. His crimson red eyes were wide open, “How would you know that they are our soulmates?”

“Easy,” his father replied, “we were developing a machine that allows you to locate your soulmate! It still is in progress, though. We’re not sure which your soulmates are but you most likely would be able to identify them.”

The third male kept quiet. His long silver hair that was tied into a low ponytail glinted slightly under the lighting and his intelligent electric blue eyes flickered from person to person, analyzing everything, weighing the options.

Soulmates, although rare, hard to find and all that, would give the other party a big boost in strength and power. That was one of the reasons why people want to find their soulmate. Not because of true love but that's a plus.

"Where should we start to look for them?" he finally spoke. The other two boys looked looked at their schoo mate, shock all over their faces. 

"Raphael," Damien burst out, "You cannot be serious!!" 

Benjamin, however, didn't loose his cool. "Are you sure you want to do this? You know how humans are like from the history texts we studied: barbarian, bloodthirsty creatures with no sense of right and wrong," Benjamin stated in his soft voice. He looked rather unsure about everything, glancing at his father every four words.

"I believe that they have changed over time, Benjamin. Let us give them the benefit of doubt," Raphael answered, glancing briefly at his purple haired schoolmate.

Raphael's father smiled approvingly at his son. "They can be found somewhere in Europe. Cambridge, to be exact," he informed.

The three male teens looked at each other. 

"I, Raphael Seraphim, son of the King of Angelis, and heir to the Angel throne, accept this quest to find my Soulmate," Raphael said, stepping forth and bowing.

There was a short silence after Raphael's acceptance of the quest before Damien scratched the back of his head and sighed.

"If the damn angel is doing it, it would seem bad if I'm not. Heh," he muttered. Then, bowing down much like Raphael did previously, Damien said, "I, Damien Lucifer, son of the King of Helde, and heir to the Demon throne, accept this (troublesome) quest to find my Soulmate." 

Benjamin glanced at his classmates and then at his father who was looking at him supportively. Summoning up his confidence, Benjamin stepped forth as well and said, "I, Benjamin Orlithe, son of the King of Fae, and heir to the Faerie and Elf throne, accept this quest to find my Soulmate."

And with that, the fates of the three girls that were shown briefly before were sealed.

The poor things.

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