25. Spare a Thought for Me

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"Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye."
~H. Jackson Brown Jr.

6 months later...

Adelaide Bellamy's POV

I stare out the parlor window. As time has gone by, life has gotten better. Stefan and Raoul have gone back to the opera house, their search failing. I only pray that one day we can completely clear the air and have everything have everything back to how it used to be. I recently heard of my brother's return. I was so shocked. I have thought he was dead for ten years of my life and now he decides to return. I miss him so much. However, I also completely blame him. If he had not stolen our family's fortunes and ran to Barcelona, mother would still be alive. We would live in our old house, she would never have moved to Melun and she would be alive. It's his fault she was killed. I hate him for that. There is no time for me to be happy, because I have so many things against him and all he did. Erik walks into the room with a plate of food.
"How are you feeling, love?" He asks. I gladly take the plate of food and start eating.
"Fine." Ever since I have been pregnant, especially now that I am only two months away, Erik has become more and more protective. If anything is wrong, he will do whatever he can to make it better. I truly am worried about him, he doesn't sleep as much, he doesn't eat as much, he always is watching me and caring for my every need. He sits down next to me and carefully watched me eat. "Is something wrong?" I question.
"I just want to make sure you're okay. He says.
"I'm fine, darling. Why don't you go eat something?" He shakes his head.
"Erik, you need to eat more. It's unhealthy." He shakes his head again.
"If anything goes wrong, I need to be here for you." Nadir walks into the room.
"Erik, go eat something. I will watch Adelaide." Nadir instructs. Erik looks over, shocked that he would say suck a thing.
"Erik, she will be fine. Go eat." He sighs.
"If you need anything, I'm in the next room." He whispers. I laugh quietly at how protective he is. I personally find it somewhat attractive.

Suddenly, Fréa bursts into the room.
"I finished it!" She squeals. She holds up the 500 page book proudly. "I did it all by myself without any help!"
"That's wonderful, Fréa!" I say. She comes over to the sofa and sits next to me. Erik and I have definitely thought about adopting Fréa. After all, I am like a mother to her. She leans over and kisses my stomach.
"How is baby feeling?" She asks. I love how much she cares about the baby.
"The baby feels fine. They have been rather fussy lately." I mutter. The beginning of my pregnancy felt like a breeze, but the past few months have been very difficult. The baby constantly kicks, which I suppose is a good sign.
"Is it going to be a boy or a girl?" She asks.
"I don't know yet." I tell her. "We have to wait until the baby is born to see." She seems to understand. Erik comes back into the room with some food. He sits next to Fréa and I.

The rest of the day goes exactly how most days have gone. We eat, I read to Fréa, Nadir buys food for supper, we eat, I go to bed. Sleeping has been the hardest thing for me. I can't find a comfortable position, and when I finally do the baby kicks. Of course if I'm not comfortable, Erik does everything he can to help me. He doesn't fall asleep until I am asleep, so we end up staying awake much more then we expect. I try to tell Erik he needs to save his sleep now, because when the new baby comes I doubt we will be getting much sleep. Along with he rest of the house. I can tell at times he has started to lose his temper. I'm not surprised, because he was the famous opera ghost and was shunned and lived alone his entire life, I expected nothing less. He tries to hide it. Another thing pregnancy has done to me is changed my attitude. My emotions are constantly mixed up. I try to control the emotions but sometimes I can't. This baby better be worth it. But I know it will.

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