Author's Final Note

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Thank you so much for reading!😘

You guys are all so amazing, all your beautiful comments and votes make my day! ❤️

We started this journey on October 5th, 2015. For all of you who have stayed with me that long, thank you!😘

Also, I was so honored to go on a trip to France to see the Paris Opera House! I hope you enjoyed the pictures!😊

I couldn't be more thankful for each and every one of you, and would like to say thank you again!😊

I think (once I'm done editing this crazy mess) I may do a few short phanfictions on this account!😎

(I promise I'm almost done😂) but I currently have a joined account with some close friends dream_team3 and it would mean a lot if you would go read our craziness!🙃 also follow my Broadway Instagram account, broadwayaddict23 for cool edits and stuff!

Now as I sat my good bye I would like to say THANK YOU (yes, I'm capitol letters) BECAUSE YOU ARE ALL SO AMAZING!!! I hope you all take something out from this book. Thank you so much.💗

Have a wonderful day.
~broadwayaddict23 💖😘

10/5/15 - 5/15/16

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