29. When We've Said Goodbye

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Nadir's POV

I am led down a large hallway to a room. This hospital is so large, I don't think I could ever memorize all the hallways and rooms. The nurse opens the door to room 23 for me, I thank her and walk in. I see Erik lying on a bed. He has a large white bandage wrapped around his head. He hears the door open and turns my way.
"Yes. No need to talk, you need rest. You need to heal. The back of the gun that hit you really harmed you." He rolls his eyes.
"Nadir, I feel fine." He sighs.
"So they've found you. Do you know how many years in prison you will have to serve?"
"I will not. I am going to clear my name."
"Erik, as soon as you are healed to they will send you straight to that prison. There is no escaping it. Adelaide is now officially arranged to marry the viscount, what do you plan to do?"
"She is still my fiancé, Nadir. I will do everything I can to fight for my son and wife to have a normal life."
"This is never going to work Erik. You started in the catacombs in the opera, hoping you and Adelaide would end up together. Now look at you, running from the government for almost a year, having a child, I don't think any of your plans have gone as you expected."
"I know this will, Nadir. Trust me. We need to get Adelaide away from Stefan, we can escape and run away to Spain of Italy. Then no one can find us or harm us. Henri can have a normal life, and we will all be free."
"That's not how it works, Erik. This is making you go insane, almost as bad as Christine."
"This is nothing like Christine, Nadir. This is completely different. I loved Christine when I was a young, immature man. Now I am older, I know what I must do and nothing can hold me back. We can go to court and prove I am a changed man, we just need to get Adelaide out of the viscount's hands."
"Erik, what are you saying?"
"Nadir, we need to rescue Adelaide."
"And how do you plan to do that?"
"Nadir, can you help me?" I look over my shoulder, assuring the door is closed. "Can you go the the Forestier mansion to get Adelaide and my son?"
"Erik no! That's insane! Adelaide is a smart woman, she will figure it out."
"In the middle of the night you can go Nadir. No one will be awake and that drunken fool won't even realize she's gone."
"I don't think you understand the dangers of your current situation, Erik."
"I don't need to. We just need to get my family away from that man."
"It's impossible Erik."
"Impossible things happen every day." I sigh, there is no way I can win this fight.
"But she is allowed to visit you every day, is she not? Wait until she comes and you can discuss this together." He leans against the wall, deep in thought.
"Fine. But we will get my family away from him as soon as possible."
"I would start praying." I tell him. And with that I leave the room.

Adelaide's POV

Emily aHnd I walk down the halls of the opera house, chatting. Many things have happened in the time I was gone. She tells me about her siblings, and also how many jobs she must work to afford keeping them. I get to meet Claire's daughter, Alison. She is so beautiful, Henri seems to like her. It is quite cute how they interact with each other. Fréa holds my other hand. I feel so pressured to keep her safe, to keep her away from all the bad things in this world. With the King's order, it is hard not to worry. Fréa doesn't understand much about what is going on. She just knows she is a bit different.

"Oh, I lost track of time. I must go pick up Leo and Annette from school." Emily says.
"Oh, may I come?" I ask.
"Of course." Claire joins us as we walk outside toward the school in the center of Paris. I hold Henri in my arms while Claire holds Alison. Fréa walks next to me but occasionally walks off the path to pick a flower or look at an insect. She is so curious. It fascinates me how much all of us have changed since we met. I feel more mature.

We arrive at the school, and Emily pints out her brother and sister. They are tossing a ball around in the front of the school. Annette has Emily's vibrant red hair. It is very Curley, and bounces every time she chases after he ball. Leo has dark brown hair and doe eyes, he looks so sweet.
"Annette! Leo!" Emily calls out. The two children turn their heads and run over to us.
"Sissy!" Annette laughs, giving Emily a hug. Leo gives her a hug as well.
"How was school?"
"Fun! We started adding numbers today!" Annette says with excitement.
"I colored this for you." Leo says, holding up a picture of a lion.
"This is beautiful! Thank you Leo!" Emily smiles. "We are going to go back to the house now. Would you like to join us?" Emily asks Claire and I. I look down at Fréa, who is taking to Annette. They seem to be getting along, Fréa deserves more time and attention with children her age.
"I don't know, Fréa, would you like to go to Annette and Leo's house?"
She nods eagerly. "Okay, sounds great." We all walk a few blocks into Paris, and stop at a small building full of apartments. It feels so nice to be back with my friends in Paris, I have truly missed it.

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