Getting Powers

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Then right away Irena ask if Bella could stay here and Fluttera said yes. Then Fluttera whispered to Athena and asked "is she here to help?". "I'm not sure yet." said Athena. Then right away Athena ask for a potion that Fluttera had made. While Fluttera was looking for the potion, Irena asked "What is so magical about the potion?". Then Athena told her that the ingredients in the potions gave her powers like to talk to animals or control fire but, She said really couldn't choose what she powers she got. When Fluttera found the potion she tossed it down to Athena then dumped on Irena's head she put it on but, she didn't think she got any powers because nothing really happened until she look back she got wings!Her wings were a bright yellow as bright the sun. Then Fluttera gave her a glass of water to see if she could water but instead when she touched it made the water evaporate. Then Fluttera said" you have got the power called sun rays so now of you have wings and powers now I think you might need some training". Then Futtera gave Irena a collar Futtera said this is for Bella!" The collar that had been enchanted. Then Irena asked Fluttera "What does it do?". Fluttera said it's a surprise . So then when she put the collar on Bella got wings her wings were black to match her fur and started talking human!

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