The Future is Bright

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"That's new." Killian said looking at the nylon bag in the shape of a suit laying on top of the bed in the Master bedroom.

"It's called a suit, love. It is normally worn during weddings." Regina said applying foundation in front of a mirror. Hook unzipped the tailor bag and witnessed the true terror of his Pirating career...formality.

The suit was black, along with his slacks. His button-up shirt was dark red. It had the major influences of his previous pirate garb. "The colors do appeal to me." He said. "It's not that bad." Regina said. "Now hurry. The wedding is in an hour." She said slapping him in the rear returning it with a kiss. He quickly showered and got dressed. He looked at himself in the mirror.

Regina stood and looked at him. "There she blows." She said laughing. "Don't tempt me, we have twenty minutes." He said kissing her check. "That doesn't concern me." She said as she waved her hand and they both appeared at the chapel.

Regina and Hook both split up. Hook went to visit the groom and Regina with the bride.

Emma was fixing up her white dress with Snow's assistance as she saw Regina enter the room. "Regina!" Emma said turning around to embrace the queen. "So the big day, nervous?" Regina asked gazing at the big bouquet of white roses. "I am..." Emma started. Mary Margaret looked at her daughter with confusion. "What's wrong hun?" She asked. "I'm not sure if he's as thrilled about going through this whole façade." Emma said sitting down on floor breathing heavily. "What if this is not the kind of day he wanted...what if I'm not cut out to be the bride-to-be?"


August Booth was in his white tuxedo and his father Marco was knotting his son's tie. Killian walked into the room knocking. "Is the man of the night ready?" August turned around and saw the raggedy pirate. "Lost Captain?" August said as Killian and him embraced like brothers. They shared grins and Hook went to shake Marco's hand. "Are you ready for the grandest adventure of your life?" Killian said. "He's not feeling himself." Marco said. "Why is that? This should be a joyous occasion." Hook said looking concerned. "What if this wedding is not the kind she wanted? What if I'm making a huge mistake in not being the man she wants me to be?" August said shaking his head.


"Then he is crazy. You are great!" Snow said. "Um, maybe you're going about it the wrong way Mrs. Charming." Regina said. Emma looked at Regina with a concerned face. "Look, love ain't exactly my area of expertise but what I know is that guy who is in the other room is madly and crazy into you. And if he was thinking you weren't cut out for this he wouldn't have ringed your finger." Regina said as she hugged Emma like a long lost sister.


"Then she is crazy. You are great!" Marco said. "Um, maybe you're going about it the wrong way, sir." Hook said. August looked at Hook with a concerned face. "Look, love ain't exactly my area of expertise but what I know is that girl who is in the other room is madly and crazy into you. And if she was thinking you weren't the one, she wouldn't have agreed to your proposition." Hook said as he hugged August like a long lost brother.

Both rooms met with an understanding.

In the Bridal room, David opened the door. "Hey sweety, are you ready?" He said as he offered his arm to his daughter to walk down the isle. They all left the room as Regina and Hook reunited.

Regina and Killian took a seat next to Red, Granny, and Henry as Snow caught up with them and took a seat right by them. Hook held out his hand as Regina held on to it.

The music started. Archie was at the altar as David led Emma to her groom. August smiled as he watched Emma walk down the isle. Emma and David approached the front and David and August shook hands.

They took their vows and sealed it with a kiss.

Regina leaned closer to Killian. "Killy?" She whispered into his ear. "Yes my love?" He asked quietly. "How are we, our future is clear right? No doubts?" She questioned as Killian kissed her cheek. "Our future is bright and is closer than ever." He said as he turned to the side out of Regina's view and brought out a box...inside contained a very shiny ring.

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