Hero (Explicit)

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*was listening to David Bowie's song "Heroes" and was inspired to write this*

She unscrewed his hook. "You do get dangerous with this." She said as she put it away in her drawer. "But I thought you like dangerous." Killian said as he laid her flat on the bed and kissed her passionately.

She bit his lip. "I'm hungry." She said almost moaning. "I'm hungry too." He said almost going down on her before she stopped him. "No. I am hungry. Let's go out and feast." She said. "Oh. Okay. First lets wash up." Killian shrugged before coming to and the two rushed to the shower.

Henry was at Emma and Augusts so Regina and Killian had the manor all to themselves.

The two washed each other. Killian washed her whole body when all of a sudden his hand stopped at Regina's pink. "Killian." She said quivering. He put his finger inside her as she squirted her juice and he sucked his fingers for a taste. "Killian come here." She commanded as he pushed her to the shower wall as he positioned his man to her hole and thrusted.

The two were moaning into each others mouth dripping with water from the shower head. She yanked on his hair as the two panted. The two reached a climax and finished with the cleansing.

Together in the huge walk-in closet they clothed. Killian a black button up shirt with black jeans and his black boots and Regina with a silky red dress with red platforms.

The two looked stunning. She applied her makeup and as she turned Killian around and applied eyeliner on him. "Thanks love." He said. "Where shall we dine tonight mi lady?" He asked as she was mid-way on his left eye with the makeup. His eyes were shut fully attentive. "The Rabbit Hole moved closer to the main pier. We'll have an ocean-view dinner." She said. "You do have lovely ideas." He said smiling loving the notion.

"Of course I do." She said finishing applying makeup to the pirate. The two looked at each other as Regina grabbed his hook from the bed side-table drawer and screwed it back on and waved her arm and teleported both the Queen and Pirate to the restaurant via purple smoke.

"Hello! Welcome to the Rabbit Hole. Which table would you like?" Red said.

"I thought you worked with Granny?" Regina asked Red. "I work weekend nights here. Extra cash, ya know?" She said laughing. "So a table for you two." Red said.

An hour later, already seated near the pier, Hook and the Queen already received their meal and we're sharing a bottle of wine. They were amidst some old stories of lore...

"So I am blade-to-blade with the Captain, and all my men were trying to plunder his treasure when all of a sudden a gigantic shark hit the deck and shook him off. Smee swung in with the mast rope from the other ship from the loot and made the captain lose his balance as I pushed him off... swimming away with rest of the crew who abandoned ship into a long boat." He said as she smiled.

"That explains why there's a huge gash on the portbow." Regina said. "Ah you know the term?" Killian said with a smirk. "Shut up, you know in sailing with you a few adventures with you I picked up a few things. Remember when we were rescuing Henry from Pan?" She said leaning back and taking a sip.

"And you pulled us out from the storm?" Killian said. "You taught me that maneuver." She said..."give yourself credit love. You are the hero of that story." He said.

"Hero?" She said as her pupils dilated.

"What's the matter?" He asked leaning in. "Did I say something? Whatever it is I am sorry..."Killian said beggingly...

"No...it's just...you consider me a hero?" She asked him.

"Of course. My love you had the courage to take on all of these events past or present against all odds. I will always consider you a hero." He said as she leaned in and gave him a kiss. "Thank you, Captain." She said. "Now tell me a story." Hook said laughing.

"Well...Maleficent came to the kingdom..."

She started as the two finished their time and several hours later the two found themselves in bed with the sweet sound of drizzling rain.

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