Chapter 14: Goodbye and Hello University

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(Barbara's POV)

Tomorrow, Justin will leave me to Canada for a week. He'll leave me for a Believe Tour there and I just can't believe it. He will leave me for a week and this week is going to be so boredddddd without him. He told me to come with him but I said no because I have so many works to do. I accompany him packing on his room.

"Justin?" i ask.

"Yeah babe?"

"Please don't leave me." I say sadly.

Justin is surprise by what i just said and lifts my chin up with his finger so i'm looking in to his eyes and he says,

"Hey, why would I ever leave you? I love you Barbs." He says with his sexy voice as he gazes deep into my eyes.

"I love you too Justin, it's just... I'll miss you so much." I reply looking down away from him.

He lifts my chin up again and stares into my eyes again which always makes me feel like we both are the only people in the world.

"Hey, I love you, okay? I may have all the fame and the money but nothing compares to you, you're beautiful, caring and just incredible. But you're so weird. And stupid. " He says and I laugh. " I promise I'll never hurt you and I'll never let anybody or anything hurt you. I love you too much to ever let you go even if you wanted me too."

He wipe away some tears that i don't even know that they're falling.

"That's the most amazing and meaningful thing anyone has ever said to me, I love you so much Justin." I say as tears of happiness still falling from my eyes. He smiles and wipe away my tears. I smile, and hold his hand, making him stop wiping my tears.

"Hey Justin." I say, call his name.

"Yeah baby?"

"I'm hungry." I say with a smirk.

"What do you want?" He say and stroking my hair.

"Well, surprise me, Bieber." I say with a cheeky smile. He smile and walk out from his room. I'm laying on his bed waiting him.

Justin has leaving for 15 minutes. I wonder where he go.

Suddenly I hear a knock on the door, i got up and start heading over to open it. When i open it my mouth drop. In come Justin with all different types of food. He walk over to the table sitting in front of the tv on his room and place everything down. I look at justin with my mouth open.

"Wh-why did you get so much food?"

Justin laugh and answer, "Well I didn't know what you wanted so I just got you everything."

I look down at the grand layout of food, i look at Justin just smiling at my facial expression. "So where do we begin!" Justin say.

"Anywhere! Lets pig out!" I laugh.

We eat so many foods i think my stomach is full now.

"Kathy will kill me." I say and he laugh.


"She don't allow me to eat fatty food and that's annoy me so much!" I say and laying on the floor. He's busy playing with my hair when suddenly I need to go to the toilet.

"Where are you going?"

"I need to pee." I say and walk outside his room.


(Justin's POV)

"JUSTIN! OH MY GOD JUSTIN!" I hear Barbara yelling from the toilet, I go there to see her looking absolutely terrified.

Two Is Better Than One (Justin Bieber and Barbara Palvin)Where stories live. Discover now