Unknown Package

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Hiii.thanks for reading! hope you all enjoyed the chapter!**Niall's POV**

I ran to the kitchen to check on my pancakes that I had started before having my shower. When I looked down at beautifully burnt pancakes, they resembled little black rocks dipped in grease."Fuck my cooking," I cursed scornfully, dismayed that I would once again be eating a tasteless breakfast. I sighed, tossing the burnt bits into the trash bin.

I shuffled to my fridge, taking out cold milk and cereal. I quickly took out a blue bowl, dumping in the cereal and finally milk. Stirring it too hastily, making half the milk fly into my face.

"Arrghh!” I exclaimed, shoving cereal in my mouth whilst wiping my face quickly with a wet towel. Once finished, I grabbed my bag, sprinting out the front door of my apartment. I quickly took my iPhone, dialing Liam's number. "Hey, Liam, I'm late. Can you drop me off please? Yeah, thank you, Liam! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

I carded my fingers through my hair, waiting nervously for Liam. I checked my phone and  gasped. I was already eight minutes late! For the first time of my life I was about to spoil my unblemished attendance record. I jumped up and down like a five year old getting candy after a year of waiting for Halloween. When I saw Liam's car from half a mile down the street, I yelped and ran to his compact Honda Civic, not bothering to wait for it to stop.

"Hey, calm down. I could have ran you over!" Liam yells incredulously while rolling the window down, looking at me like I had just sprouted out two heads. Meanwhile I was yanking at the door handle, desperately trying to speed this exchange up a little.

Once he finally had the decency to unlock the door, I got into his car and yelled, "DRIVE NOW, LIAM PAYNE!”

“Alright alright! Jesus."

I rolled my eyes at the brown eyed boy.

The whole ride I was anxious as hell,  and checking my watch every few seconds. When we reached the school, I bounded out of Liam’s car and ran into my class. Unlucky for me, that class happened to be Calculus with one of the strictest professors at University.

"Hello there, Mr. Horan. Mind explaining to the class as to why you’re late?" Mrs Hills inquired spitefully, raising both of her brows.

"I-I was- I got up late ma’am, I'm sorry." I stuttered, embarrassed by my own tardiness.

"I excuse you today, Niall. Don’t make this a habit; you’re a good student,” she said curtly.

"Yes ma’am," I replied.

"Sit down right there beside Mr. Tomlinson," I obeyed, grateful to be out of the hot seat, and collapsed beside him, removing my books from my green bag.

"Hello, I'm  Louis,” the blue eyed boy smiled kindly. I looked up at him, taking in his feathery hair. I couldn't help but notice how attractive this boy was. Wait, hello there Niall James Horan you are straight, I scolded myself for my wandering thoughts. I was snapped out from my meddling mind with Louis waving his hands in front of my face.

"You zoned off buddy,” he raised an eyebrow questioningly.

“Oh, erm, sorry," I replied sheepishly.                                                                               

"Mr. Horan, Mr. Tomlinson, could you kindly stop talking and join the rest of the class by opening your textbooks now?" Mrs Hills  glared from the space above her glasses that were sliding down her bird nose.

"Sorry ma’am," we chorused.

And the rest of the day, graciously, flew by with no other interruptions or embarrassing predicaments....

Soon, which I was extremely thankful for, it was lunch time. I went to the cafeteria and sat at empty seat, taking out my sandwich that I had thrown together in my sloppy haste this morning, and quietly eating it. After unlocking my iPhone and scrolling through Twitter, I busied myself with checking for any new followers. I checked one  of my friend's DM and went back to eating. I sipped my coffee looking around the cafeteria scanning it for Liam, dismayed when I found that he was nowhere to be seen.

That’s when I caught someone staring at me intensely. He blushed and looked away when our gazes met. I raised an brow. He had raven black hair and tattoos on his arms galore.

"Hey Zayn, whatcha lookin' at?" I heard being called from a few students.

Oh, so the mysterious blushing boy’s name is Zayn... I ignored some wolf whistles from that direction and continued eating food.

I sat contemplating my day, blocking out the occasional stares from Zayn’s direction. Of course, I’m less than happy about my perfect attendance record being tarnished but I still have hope that this will be a lovely and drama free school year at Uni.

I fiddled with my apartment keys, shaking them lose from my deep jean pockets. Just as I was unlocking my front do, I noticed a letter in my post box and paused, eyeing the manila envelope suspiciously.

I never got mail. Well, except for the monthly collection of bills and dues. Besides that, my family hardly ever wrote to me themselves, and my friends had abandoned the outdated task of writing letters long ago and had resorted to simply phoning or texting.

I removed it from my box, checking the sender name and address but none was found. All that was displayed was-

To: Niall horan


I looked at the package confused. Grabbing the package under my arm, I went inside and tore the thick wrapping off. I was even more confused when I rolled out a poster.

"What the fuck?"

Dedicated to NarryNouisisme for being my first reader!

please vote,comment and fan

check out the video at the side its lol                                                                                                                                                                               Harry's girl x.x

I'm In love With A Poster Icon?(Narry AU) *ABANDONED*Where stories live. Discover now