Midnight Games

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Midnight Games

by wyntergreyy

[This story is two years old and I just copied and pasted it on here.]

Chapter 1

Chapter notes

just a little something i wrote because i was bored hope you like Y'all when i was writting this story and about to post it up it DELETED! I WAS SO FREAKIN MAD and i wasn't gonna post it up after that but then i realized i wanted to so enjoy i hope you guys love cliff hangers... :D

It was close to midnight, and the hero of Mobius was taking a walk in the park. He had had trouble sleeping, so he decided to go for out for a while. This has been going on for a few weeks now and he didn't know what was causing it , or why it kept occurring. He sighed as he started heading back home, hoping this time he would be able to go to sleep without any problems.

As he unlocked his front door, he could have sworn he saw something zip across the living room, but soon dismissed it and heading upstairs. When he opened his room door and walked to his bed he spotted dark figure in the corner of his eye. He slowly started to walk where the figure was, but was quickly pinned against a wall.

Sonic soon found himself being pinned down by Shadow. He wondered how the hell did he get into his house and why was he being held against the wall against his own will? What could Shadow possibly want at 12 midnight!

"Hello, faker." Shadow said in a strange voice. He had a strange look on his face, and believe Sonic he did not like that. "What the hell? Shadow how the hell did you get into my house, and why the hell am i being pinned against my wall!" Sonic said while struggling to get free from the others grip. Shadow tightened his grip and moved closer, making his and Sonic's hips touch. Sonic tried hard to force back a blush threatening to appear on his muzzle.

Shadow was now extremly to close to Sonic, and Sonic was becoming very uncomfortable. He tried once again to escape from Shadow,s grip again, making Shadow only tightened it more, then moving closer intill their muzzles were almost touching.

"Please, answer my question and ge-" Before Sonis could finish, Shadow kissed Sonic, making the other jump. When Shadow pulled backed, Sonic looked at him with questioning, wide eyes. "Wha? why did you? What the hell?" The poor blue hedgehog who was now flabbergasted and had a confused look on his face.

"Simple" Shadow said, finally answering the blue helpless hedgehogs question. "You never checked to see if your bedroom window was shut, so I just simply got in. You know you should double check on things more often, or you'll come home either dead or pinned against a wall." Shadow smirked as he finished the last part of that sentence. Sonic quickly looked at the opened window and cursed under his breath making the other hedgehog smirk even more.

Sonic always knew Shadow was crazy, but not that crazy! Just who the hell do he think he is? Now if this was Amy things would be way different. He'd probably be in his bed sleep, but with SHADOW it's a whole different story.

When Sonic finally found his voice again he asked, "Why did you...kiss me?" Shadow's smirked changed back into that strange look he ha earlier. "Beause, i like you. I really do." after he said that his tounge slid out and licked Sonic on the ear, then started to nibble on it. Sonic started squirming and tried to move away from the pink intrudor but couldn't.

"Please, stop!" Sonic tried to regain control and tried not to let his fear show to the other.

Shadow took that opportunity to dart his tounge into Sonic's mouth making Sonic moan and shudder. Sonic tried to push Shadow away from him but failed miserably. After that attemp didn't work, he bit down hard on Shadow's tounge making him bleed. Shadow quickly backed away tasting the fresh blood from his tounge and growled. "You, my friend, should have NEVER DONE THAT!" Sonic could tell Shadow was now pissed. So he decided to take that opportunity to make a run for it.

A few minutes after Shadow recovered, he took off after the blue speedster with a very pissed off look on his face. "DAMMIT HEDGEHOG!" Shadow shouted as he ran after Sonic. He could see that Sonic was almost at the stair case so he threw himself on top of Sonic.

"Gotcha." Shadow said with a smirk on his face once again. Sonic tried to kick at Shadow's head but couldn't as the black hedgehog had already pinned his legs down. "Now we can do it the easy way or the hard way choose one, faker." Shadow looked at Sonic with the same strange look he had before. "NEITHER!" Sonic yelled. "Okay i see we have to do it the hard way." Shadow said the look on his face now getting stranger.

Sonic was shaking violently with fear. Why was Shdow doing this? He couldn't answer that question. He couldn't even think straight. Shadow was now nibbling at Sonic's ear making Sonic's shiver. Sonic soon felt Shadow hands moving up his legs making Sonic shiver even more. "Shadow please...stop." "SHUT UP!" Shadow yelled back and continued what he was doing, moving a hand to Sonic's private part.

'Tail where ever you are please walk in and make Shadow stop, please!' Sonic thought as he was trying hard to ignore what shadow was doing.

To be continued.

Chapter End Notes:

Okay how did i do! Good. Great. Bad. Needs more work. you decided please R&R! XD Do you think Tails is gonna come or is Sonic just doomed? me and my evil mind MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, Oh yea sorry about the short chapter i was being kinda rushed here,eh

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