Midnight Games Ch. 5

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Author's Note

Hello! I just want to apologize for abandoning you guys and this story. There's just been so much happening but no excuses for real this time. It's summer time and I'm almost done with high school! So until then i will do my best to stay focus because I am a serve procrastinator haha. But I will quit and start chapter 5!! Also I did change my name from Jizabella to Wyntergreyy :D
Midnight Games

Chapter 5

It was 3am when the ebony hedgehog awoke from his deep slumber. He was confused as to why he had woken so early. Shadow looked over to his left to see Sonic still soundly asleep. He looked beautiful and at peace. Shadow carefully got out of bed, sure to not disturb the blue speed demon. He went downstairs and made his way to the kitchen. There, he decided to fix himself a glass of water. Before he could get a sip, Shadow was violently thrown to the ground, arms pinned over his head.

"What the hell!" The ebony one exclaims as he tries to process what was going on. Sitting on top of the hedgehog was the one and only echidna. Knuckles wore a face colored with utter disgust. "Get...off of me!" Snarled Shadow. He was trying to fight the angry echidna off him but failed miserably. 'What was wrong with him' the trapped hedgehog questioned.

"I don't know what kind of game you're trying to play hedgehog, but you're not fooling me." Knuckles responded making sure his grip was tight. Knuckles didn't trust Shadow one bit. Heck, he had many reasons not to. Over the years, Shadow had repeated tried to sabotage Knuckles and his friends and now all of a sudden he's getting friendly with Sonic. Something about that just didn't seem right to the red echidna.

Shadow snorted at the echidna's accusation. "Is somebody jealous?"

That earned Shadow a punch in the jaw. The blow didn't faze the ultimate lifeform though. Instead, Shadow just smirked and spat out the blood that pooled in his mouth.

"Does it hurt your little feelings that I'm fucking your friend?" Retorted the striped hedgehog. He could see he was getting the other male riled up.

Knuckles was livid. This guy was seriously taunting him? "Give me one good reason I shouldn't kill you right now." 

Before Shadow could come up with a clever comeback, he felt his hands become free and the weight of the other disappear. Confused, Shadow slowly sat up, massaging his jaw. That's when the ultimate life form noticed Sonic standing over Knuckles with one fist balled up. His breathing was low and aggravation was clear as day on the blue hero's face.

It took a few minutes for Shadow to process what had just happened. Soon it had became clear that Sonic had punched Knuckles off the darker hedgie. Shadow suddenly felt awkward and gave Sonic a sheepish grin. To his dismay, the other hedgie didn't look entertained.

The blue speed demon grabbed one of Shadow's ears and took one of Knuckles many dreadlocks. He then proceeded to drag them both in the living room, not caring that both males were yelping in pain. Sonic was simply not in the mood.

"Explain." He demanded hands on his hips.

"Hothead came at me first." Mumbled Shadow, arms crossed over his chest and face plastered with a scowl. Knuckles glared at the self proclaimed ultimate life form before responding.

"Sonic, what the hell are you thinking? Why is he here?"

Sonic rolled his eyes. "What's going on between me and Shadow is none of your business."

Knuckles snorted. He couldn't believe Sonic. "I think I have a right to know why someone who, I'd like to remind you, tried to kill us on multiple occasions, is staying in our house!"

"How about you go back to your floating island and not worry about why I'm here." Retorted the darker, agitated hedgehog, arms still crossed over his chest. Knuckles about busted a blood cell. Shadow was really ticking the red echidna off and he has had enough.

Knuckles pushed Sonic out of the way and lunged at Shadow, knocking them both to the ground. Shadow was caught completely off guard once again which allowed Knuckles to throw a round of punches but not for long.

Shadow gave a hard blow to the echidna's stomach, causing him to fall flat on his back. Knuckles let out a grunt of pain while holding his stomach. Shadow went over to do more damage before he was violently knocked to the ground but Sonic.

"Enough!" Yelled a very frustrated hedgehog.

Shadow face was in disbelief. 'Did Sonic just push me?' He thought as he rubbed his backside.

Sonic pinched his nose to try and calm down. It was clear that these two wouldn't get along. He has no choice but to temporarily separate the two as much as he didn't want to. It was either that or one of the two would be dead by later this evening.

Sonic sighed before speaking. "It's clear to me that you guys can't get along so I have no choice but to kick you out Knuckles."

"Yeah Shadow g- , wait what?" Knuckles was clearly taken aback. "You're joking" knuckles scoffed. "So is that it?"

Sonic put a hand up towards his temple, massaging the area as he could feel a headache coming on. He knew Knuckles wouldn't take this very well. "Look, Knuckles I-." Knuckles cut him off.

"No. You know what? I don't care anymore. I lost all respect for you. This guy has done nothing but hurt you and your friends and you're all of a sudden fine and dandy?" Knuckles started walking towards the door.
"You know, I hope you're happy. I'll be back for my things when 'that' isn't around." And with that, Knuckles headed out the door into the early morning air.

Shadow looked over at Sonic. He was clearly hurt. Shadow immediately felt ashamed. He tried to think of something to say but couldn't find his voice so looked down at the floor.

It was silent for a few minutes before Sonic began to speak.

"Ya know, I always try to do what's best for everyone but I come to realize that I can't make everyone happy."

Shadow glanced up to look at his mate. Sonic was sitting down on the sofa with his face in his hands.

"Sonic.." Shadow started but Sonic cut him off but shaking his head and getting up.

"No, Shadz. I'm going back to bed."

Shadow watched as Sonic made his way past him and up the stairs. He let out a long sigh after hearing the door to Sonic's room slam shut.

'I guess it's the sofa for me..' He thought to himself. 'Why did I ever get involved with Sonic. I do nothing but cause trouble and now I've hurt him.' Shadow scold at himself. 'I'm so stupid.'  He balled up his fist out of anger and embarrassment. It wasn't his fault that Knuckles went on a rampage and attacked him. Shadow was only trying to protect himself. Besides, he wasn't actually trying to hurt the echidna.

Shadow let another sigh escape his lips before drifting back to sleep. 'Maybe things will be a little better later today.'
So I suck at fight scenes but I tried ! As you can see there's so much drama and I'm trying to remember how I wanted this story to go *^.^ it's been so long though lol but no worries I got this !!

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