Midnight Games Ch. 6

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Author's Notes

Hola!! So I'd just like to say there is sex in this chapter I kinda suck at them haha so I just wanted to give a little heads up for those who wants to skip but it's towards the near end I believe :D enjoy!!! Also this story is coming to an end soon!!! It makes me a little sad :,( but I want to say that I believe ch. 7 will be the last one I'm not 100%.
Again enjoy!!

                  Midnight Games

                         Chapter 6


The Sun's bright rays of light came pouring through Tails bedroom window, waking the kitsune. Tails rose up from his bed and yawned as he stretched. He actually slept pretty good for once. The kitsune got out of bed and headed for breakfast. Sonic is usually the first one up and cooks breakfast for him and Knuckles but something was different. He could smell no evidence of there being breakfast cooked.

Confused, Tails walked into the kitchen to find it empty. 'Perhaps Sonic and Shadow stayed up later then they should've.' Tails grimaced at the image that was now forming in his mind. He had nothing against the two and their new found relationship. Yes, it was going to take some time to get use to but, as long as his buddy was happy, then so be it. Tails just hoped things worked out.

The kitsune walked over to the fridge to fix himself a glass of orange juice. He grabbed the juice out the fridge and placed it on the counter. He then went over by the sink to rinse out a glass, there he noticed pieces of broken glass on the floor, glistening in the light coming from the sun through the window. Tails started to feel a bit uneasy because there was no way that glass could have fallen from the counter because they never leave them out. But to his right, there was a red stain on the floor indicating that something was wrong. Something unpleasant had happened but what?

'Oh no...' Was all tails could think. He bent down to pick up the broken pieces and examined them. "What happened?" The kitsune mumbled to himself.

"Stuff..." Tails almost jumped out of his fur at the sudden response. He stood back up
and turned around to see where the response came from. He saw Shadow standing in the doorway, one hand on his hip and scowl on his face; the usual.

"Geeze, Shadow. You scared me." Tails responded. Shadow didn't comment. He went over to the fridge to look for something to eat. Tails scratched the back of his head with one hand and fondled the piece of glass in the other hand.

There was a moment of silence, minus the sound of Shadow rummaging through the fridge. "So." Tails started. "Do you know how this happened?" He asked while holding up the broke piece of glass.

Shadow closed the fridge and looked over at the kitsune, who was looking at the ebony one with a concerned expression, then at the piece of glass he was holding. The hedgehog sighed. "Knuckles.." Shadow trailed off looking away.

"Knuckles?" Tails repeated after Shadow. "What did Knuckles do?"

Shadow started to feel his blood boil as his mind replayed what had occurred earlier that morning. Unconsciously, he started grinding his teeth and balling his fist. Tails took note of this and felt himself becoming uneasy all over again.

"You guys fought, didn't you?" Shadow didn't reply. Tails sighed. This was all too much for an 8 year old. "Well where's he at now?"

Shadow calmed down as best as he cold before answering the kitsune. "Sonic kicked him out."

The shock on Tails face was very evident. Sonic really kicked the echidna out? Whatever happened must have been really bad. 'Is this why Sonic isn't down here?' 'How could I've been sleeping through all of this!' He knew Sonic must have felt crushed by the decision that had to be made.

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