Midnight Games Ch. 7

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Author's Note

Well, the day has finally arrived! The last chapter to this saga! Yes, it took me longer then I originally planned but I've been dealing with a sick 1yr old (nephew), having to write a flipping essay for my gifted class for the new school (I know who the hell gives homework over summer), suffered from minor writers block and been on vacation but it's done and that's all that matters!! I tried to make it as long as possible.

Now I can work on the other stories I started yay! I hate to end this but maybe a sequel? Idk yet. I should REALLY finish my other stuff before I attempt new stories tho, so we shall see lol.

Ps for my FF.net readers I've change my username yet again to Jenzie Lei i promise I won't be changing it anymore lol. Thanks for your patience! Now on to the story!

Enjoy!! *pops popcorn*
                    Midnight Games

                        Chapter 7

It was now reaching noon when the kitsune was about to give up on his quest of ever finding a particular echidna. Tails had looked everywhere he could think Knuckles would have been, but had zero luck. The kitsune turned on his heels and made his way towards home, thinking over an explanation as to why Knuckles was absent from his side. That's when he saw what appeared to be a red speck up ahead. Tails squinted his eyes up into the distance; the figure was resting against a tree; perhaps this was the echidna?

Tails propelled himself closer to the figure to get a better view. His suspicions were right; it was Knuckles. Slumped under a big oak tree was the red echidna himself. The male was obviously in a deep slumber as he could be heard softly snoring, scowl present on his face. Tails slowly approached the sleeping form, careful not to disturb him. Once in front of the other, Tails smoothly and gently called out Knuckles names a couple of times. The echidna didn't budge, instead he turned on his side with his mouth slightly ajar and continue to gently snore. The kitsune sighed and yelled, this time startling Knuckles and causing him to hit a low hanging branch.

Knuckles yelped in pain, rubbing his noggin and baring down his teeth out of discomfort. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?" Exclaimed a very upset echidna. Tails let out a nervous laugh and shrugged his shoulders. He knew knuckles would become pissed if woken from a good nap, but he felt he had a very good reason to do so.

Tails took a deep breath before speaking. He really hoped the echidna would at least consider coming back. "I need you to come back home." The younger male informed. Knuckles had his eyes closed with a frown present on his lips; and arms crossed against his chest; the look of distaste began to form.

"That's not my home and I'm not going back, especially with that sorry excuse of life around there." Tails face was colored with complete exasperation. Even though he only asked once, he was expecting Knuckles to be a little less stubborn. He was not ready to lose this battle-at least not yet anyhow. He took a deep breath and did his best puppy eyes.

"Knuckles, please come back," Tails pleaded. "We can work things out, just come back with me." He even mastered the tears forming in the corner of his eyes, but Knuckles wasn't buying it.

"I SAID NO." Knuckles voice was sharp. Tails was taken aback for a second not sure if he had struck a nerve in the red male. Knuckles was undoubtedly upset and no matter what tails tried, he was going to be shot down with each attempt of getting the echidna to come back.

Knuckles took a minute to calm down, breathing in deeply. He didn't mean to raise his voice at the other but he did not want to go back to Sonic's. He wished Tails would quit trying. "I said no." He repeated this time with a much cooler tone. Tails had the demeanor of defeat and didn't know what else he could do. There had to be more to this-knuckles was hurting over something much deeper.

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