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Repetitive noises of clicking pens, bored minds surround the room, all eyes are fixed on one thing and one thing only.. The clock. Only less than 2 minutes left till that sweet sweet ringing of school bells goes off!

I, on the other hand, impatiently twirl my blue, ball pointed pen between my fingers. With my chin resting on my left hand, which sits uncomfortably on this plain wooden desk.

On my desk, unfortunately, lies a notebook filled with nothing but nonsense information of some dead historian who lived and died before I even reached my mothers womb.

Sorry, I'm not really this salty. My demeanour just took a sudden turn when my teacher caught us stealing some unwanted answer sheets from the out-of-bounds staff room. Looks like Toby and I didn't really thought of it through.

Before I could explain how I got here and why, someone disruptively interrupted me by throwing a crumpled piece of paper by my head.

I turn around as to who this annoying culprit is.

Speak of the devil. Toby.

He sits on his chair with an obvious sign of eagerness to get off of it. His body language says it all as he is already leaning forwards on his desk with his face almost closer to the back of my seat.

"1 more minute." Toby exaggeratedly mouthed.

Toby, you ask?

He's my best friend ever since we were in kindergarten. Sure, we met in an awkwardly fashion with us ending up in hot pink and bright purple girl costumes and ex-classmates that thought we were confused boys for our age at that time! But Toby and I are like super glue, we stick together... Unless one of us breaks 'the code'.

But that's not important right now! What's more important is the fact that there's only 30 seconds left in countdown for the bells to ring!

But of course there's always the good news and the bad news to everything. Even in this story. The good news is I'm finally getting the hell out of here and the bad news is .. My parents are going to kill me.

Agent Carmichael: A Chuck Fanfiction /A.U/Where stories live. Discover now