Mike VS Responsibilites

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Somehow the sound of those school bells make me feel nervous. I mean I'm not sweating, but I definitely am worrying. Not about the fact that my teachers would probably never trust me ever again, but the fact that I'd probably get a full on lecture from my parents.

I stand up from my seat and packed up all my stationary into my worn out bag. Sure, I've gotten this bag since the 3rd grade and it's still with me 7 years later, but it's still intact.. I guess.

I wore my bags strap onto my right shoulder after fixing my gray stained shirt and flicking my gelled-up dark brown hair to the side.

I turn around to face my best friend, who was already rushing himself with packing up all of his stuff. His desk is with no doubt the fight scene of  World War II. It was, and I quote, the desk of terror. Even his room would agree.

"Not too shabby , huh?" Toby looked up and patted my shoulder as he wore his backpack on with both of his shoulders.

"Yeah, if not too shabby was getting caught." I rolled my eyes.

Toby and I walked towards the classroom's exit.

"Hey! We got through it together - were a team, homie." Toby said as he placed his arm around me.

"My mom's gonna kill me." I groaned, pushing away Toby's relaxed arm.

"Dude. Your mom is the bomb." He said with a satisfied sigh.

It isn't really the first time anyone has ever confessed nor mentioned their disturbing crush on my mom. I tend to keep Toby and my other friends away from her as much as possible. I learnt that lesson on Thanks Giving.. It still gives me the creeps, even up till now.

"Toby, that's really gross and should be censored." I could feel my eye twitching with my brain still processing Toby's words.

Toby slapped my arm, "Y'know I'm just playin' with ya!", he joked.

"No. I really don't." I immediately blurted out.

"Don't worry about it Mike," he said blandly, "you're gonna be just fine." 

6 : 3 0 P M ~

Going home at such a late time isn't really a way to go. Especially when you were in detention after school for 2 long and boring hours. I don't even think it was 2 hours.. It felt more like days to me.

I made a rather rash decision of opening the front door instead of entering from the back. Because my parents are already in position in the lounge - crossed arms, angered faces - ready to strike at me with their lectures and 'wisdom'.

Without a word said, their horrifying eye contact says it all. 

'Sit down' they said.

'Tell us what happened at school today.' they said.

'Were not gonna get angry.' they said.

I deeply inhaled, getting myself ready to spit out the info, "Toby and I stole answer sheets from the staff room." I sighed.

"You W H A T!?

Who's that, you ask? That's my mom. The mom that all my friends at school have a disturbing crush on. Sarah Bartowski. She's known to do a lot of things. That's probably the reason why she's never really terrified to do anything. I mean, she's like a fighter mom in a way! She's unpredictable.

"It was just papers-"

"No, Mike! They were not just any papers - they were answer sheets!" The wild she-male beast yelled at the top of her lungs. 

But I guess in this situation she's probably known as a psychopathic mom. 

At this point, I feel like my ears are gonna fall off at any moment! The pitch and tone of her voice is screeching right in and through my ears, causing my eardrums pain and suffering.  

"Okay, okay. Break it up you two." My dad finally breathed.

No need to ask, he's my dad. Charles Irving Bartowski or Chuck for short. He's known to do a few things. My dad's profession isn't really the best as one would say. But he fixes computers for a living and owns an electronic shop called the 'Buy More'. Dad said that he used to work there as a 'Nerd Herd Supervisor' until he bought the whole property that is. Though I'm not quite sure if he still visits the place at times, I'm pretty sure his right-hand man, Uncle Morgan, runs the place.

"Chuck! This is the 7th time he's been into detention the past 2 weeks" My mom growled, "Stealing answer sheets!?" she continued as she quickly turned around and faced me.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance, "It wasn't my idea." I murmured.

"Yes, because it was Toby's!" Mom concluded, "Carmichael Bartowski, I'm having doubt's on your friend choices!"

No way. That's where she crosses the line!

"No, no, no! You can shout and growl at me all you want alright? But Toby stays out of this!" I snapped.

"Mike, honey. Toby has been a bad influence since day one-"

"Dad!" I interrupted.

"Y'know what you need Mike?" He confronted me, "You need to hold some responsibilities!" He said joyfully.

Responsibilities? He wants me to hold.. Responsibilities!? I have no time to hold and carry responsibilities! I've to clock in at Toby's house to play the latest CS go! There is no way I can fit responsibilities in!

I suddenly grabbed my dad by his arm, "Dad, that's not the reason why I called you in on this." I whispered.

"No, no. You've been sitting your behind in your room or at Toby's house everyday. You need to lose some weight Mike. Getting chubby." Dad poked my belly.


"What happened to the Mike who plays football or every other sport?" He opened his arms widely.

Sometimes, I feel like I can never win against my dad. Sure I can win against my mom, but never against him. He was right for the most part. I guess I just got lazy. The day I started realizing how people get what they wanted with no work needed, got me thinking. I didn't need to either. But I guess that realization came from movies or TV shows or fairy taled books that I used to have.

"Chuck, you're right. He needs to get out there and work." Mom agreed.

"What do you say buddy?" Dad pursed his lips, waiting for an answer from my mouth.

"Y'know what - what the hell. Fine. I'll work." I nodded in defeat.

I looked up, my parents looked quite satisfied. But of course Carmichael Bartowski does not accept a challenge without a few bargains hidden up my sleeves.

"But." I pointed out.

"But?" My parents frowned in unison.

"You have to buy me some new gaming rigs, Toby and I have been waiting to get our hands on them for quite awhile now." I crossed my arms with a grin and placed my feet up on the coffee table.

"Excuse me  - what?" Mom blurted out.

"You have yourself a deal young man!" Dad interrupted as he held his hand out for a handshake which I proudly accepted.

Mom turned to my dad with a rather surprised face and stormed out.

"I have no part in this." Mom called out.

Dad and I turned to each other, "So, where am I working?" I asked eagerly.

I don't know if its me or if this was actually real. But my dad has an evil grin plastered on his face. Which I'm kind of worried about.

"Mike." He said, "you're working at the Buy More."

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