Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

     “Hey is that seat taken?” Chelsie looked up to see Colin standing next to her. At first she thought it was a joke, there was no way Colin was taking a music class. She eventually moved her stuff to the floor and let him take the seat beside her in shock.

     “You do realize this is a music class right?” she asked quietly.

     “If not I’m in the wrong place,” he smiled.

     Before she could say anything the professor strolled in and class began. Their Music: Past, Present, and Future professor was a spunky white woman with short black hair and seemed so sweet that Chelsie and Colin were likely to have sugar comas every day that class was held. Once class was over Chelsie and Colin went to meet Aiden and Heather at the pub.

     “Sam you are the cause of the freshman fifteen,” Chelsie said as he put a huge plat of chili cheeses fries on the table.

     “You will eat and be happy,” Sam said like a true Italian.

     “This is unbelievable,” Heather said sitting next to Colin. “How do you have a man as women’s study professor?”

     “Maybe he was a she a few months ago,” Colin joked.

     “Did you visit the class during shop week?” Chelsie asked trying not to laugh at Colin.

     “They had a cute Julius Caesar and Brutus at Roman Studies so I took a rain check,” Heather explained.

     “How do you not offer partying classes?” Aiden asked taking the seat next to Chelsie.

     “Because Partying is not something you learn it is something you do,” Chelsie said in amazement.

     “How were your classes?” asked Heather.

     “Our Music professor is amazing,” Colin smiled happily.

     “Wait! Our? You guys have class together?” asked Heather.

     “Yeah pretty much,” Chelsie giggled.

     They sat for hours talking about the classes they had each chosen for the semester and what each one of them had heard about each professor. Eventually Chelsie and Colin had to leave for afternoon classes. Colin and Chelsie both were double majoring, which meant they had double the classes.

     Heather had one last art gallery to check out that Chelsie had opted out of going to. While at the gallery she was invited to an after party back on the school campus and had decided to go. It was boring and Heather sat drinking punch, what she thought was punch, the whole time. By the fourth cup of punch Heather could barely walk straight and struggled outside to call Chelsie for help. Chelsie arrived and helped Heather back to the dorm where she puked her guts out.

     “Stupid men I’m so sick of them,” Heather slurred.

     “Okay,” said Chelsie wishing she could go back to her bed and sleep.

     “They are all the same even our brothers. They say they want to be with you but all they want is your pants to be on the floor,” slurred Heather before puking again.

     Chelsie sat in awe at what Heather had just said. She could not believe nor did she want to believe what Heather had pretty much said. Heather and her brother had be in some sort of relationship and she had some how missed it all. First thing in the morning Daniel was going to get a visit from her and an earful about what had happened.

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