Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

     Heather was loosing her patience once again with people. It had been a week since Thanksgiving and everything was beginning to settle back into some type of normalcy all around her. Colin and her were nice to each other just like before their shortest relationship in history and everyone was just dealing with normal things like worrying about finals and the freshman fifteen.

     “What do you want?” Heather asked sliding into a booth at the pub.

     “I just wanted to see if you had worked on our agreement,” Aiden asked looking pitiful.

     The person who had called Heather during her Chelsie and Colin meltdown had been Aiden. He wanted Heather of all people to help him get back into his friend’s good graces. Whatever magic Aiden thought Heather would be able to work was like escaping from Alcatraz, it was impossible. Heather was still unsure if she even wanted to help Aiden it was mission impossible and she was still unsure if she actually forgave him for calling her a bitch.

     “Right now this is like Hogwarts and you are that weird Voldermort character that no one wants to mention,” Heather said flustered.

     “What?” Aiden asked confused.

     “No one likes you! There is no way for me to get you back in,” Heather explained.

     “Come on please help me,” he begged.

     “If you ca get Colin just to say ‘what’ to you then maybe I can do something,” Heather said getting out of the booth.

     “Oh thank you,” Aiden exclaimed kissing her.

     “I think I better go,” Heather said unsure what to do.

     “Yeah me to,” Aiden said walking out of the pub.

     The kiss was really not awkward thought Heather. It was weird considering how she felt about him at the moment and that was Chelsie’s ex-boyfriend. If there was one thing Heather was certain about though it was that she was not going to tell Chelsie about it. Chelsie was going to kill her if she found out that Heather had gone to see Aiden or agreed to help Aiden get back in Chelsie and Colin’s good graces kissing him would send her over the top even if the kiss was not on purpose.

     “Hey Daniel Ace isn’t here,” Heather said feeling awkward.

     “Dang . . . well can we talk?” he asked curious.

     “About what?” she asked. Heather did not want to be to rude to Daniel but what happened still hurt her and she was trying to study for her finals. She did not have the mind capacity for anything else at the moment. Daniel just had bad timing that was all.

     “Its been over two months since our crash and burn,” Daniel said not exactly sure how to phrase it. “I’m sorry I honestly did not mean anything I said that day I was just being stupid.”

     “I know believe me I know,” Heather said not letting him inside the dorm. If Heather let him into the dorm she would never be able to get him out nor did she think she would want to make him leave. Letting Daniel back into the house was the gateway for stuff that she was not ready for at the moment.

     “So?” he asked nervously.

     “Look I forgive you okay a lot has happened since then I’ve learned we all do stupid things,” Heather said including her self in the ‘we’.

     “Okay well I’ll see you later then,” Daniel said walking away.

     Seeing Daniel made Heather realize that she missed Daniel. Sure their situation was complicated since they had to meet in secret but it was nowhere near how complicated her life had been since getting intertwined with Aiden and Colin. Now she was starting to see what really mattered to her and what she wanted.

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