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I wake up this morning thinking about last night. The kiss with Luke. I smile thinking about it. Then I'm quickly reminded of the kiss I had with Ashton a couple of days ago.

I like them both. I just. I don't know. That's a hard decision. I mean, Ashton, he understands me and we have so many good memories. But Luke, I've always liked him, and we used to have amazing memories as kids, but we drifted. I could never settle on one of them. The struggle.

I'm soon taken out of thought by the sound of my phone ringing. The name pops up, Luke. Really helping me in this time.

"Hey Luke!"

"Hey babe, you want to do something today?"

First of all. Babe? Second of all. I just woke up and I am still in my pjs. But let's not forget that I'm still confused because of the whole situation. Oh well.

"Sure. Why not. What do you want to do?"

"We will figure that out in a minute."

"Wait. What? Luke! What do you mean?"

I'm interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. I run downstairs and answer it. Wait. Shit. I'm still in my pjs. Oh well. It's not like I know them or anything. I open the door.


"Luke? What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to see you. So what do you want to do today?"

"Well I was planning on getting dressed and then figuring that out. But. Why not just order some pizza and hang out here?"

"Pizza sounds like a perfect breakfast. Haha. Sure. Why not."

"Okay. Just give me a minute to at least change out of my clothes."

"Alright. Hurry!!!"

I quickly run upstairs and change into my pink shorts and a sweater, it's summer in 2 weeks, and I'm still wearing sweaters. I put on some mascara and put my hair up in a messy bun. I look in the mirror reall quick and then pull up my sleeves. Reminded of the cuts, all of the pain. I pull my sleeve back down before I start crying. I don't want Luke to know. Not now anyways. One day I'll gain the courage to tell him.

I run back downstairs to join Luke. Then I hear him talking to someone.

"No. I don't care about her. She's useless. I just hang around her because I feel bad. I''d never be with her. She's my last choice."

Is he talking about me? I knew it could never be true. I'm always a joke. I don't find it funny. Why did I fall for all of  the lies?

He's sstill on the phone. I come in when he is in the middle of talking.                                                      

"Who's useless? Luke. If it's me. Get out of my house. Stop playing around with me. Don't bother talking to me."

"AVERY. STOP. Wait. Let me explain. Please. I beg of you."

"Okay. Tell me what it's about."

"Avery. I was talking to Michael about Kelsey. Apparently she likes me. And I just don't feel that way about her. I have my mind set out for someone else. Someone special."

Who is this someone special? I don't think it's me.                                                                                         "Oh. I'm sorry Luke. Okay. I understand. I'm sorry. H-h-how about we order that pizza?"

"Sounds good. Whatever we do, just remember I have band practice at 4:30."

I order the pizza and we just sit around the kitchen and talk. Then we started eating everything in the house, then Luke walks into the living room and I hear  a loud bang. I run to try and help him. i see him, but he's not hurt, so what happened? I see a frame laying on the floor broken, I turn over the picture and see it's a picture of my dad and brother. I break down in tears and I feel Luke come up behind me and hold  me close. "Avery, whats wrong?" I think it's time to explain some things.

"Okay. Luke. Here's what happened. Two years ago, my brother got killed in a car accident, and my dad went crazy and left my mom and I. It's been tough. My mom, brother and I were on our way to my cousin's birthday party. We were driving through an intersection, and I saw another car run a red light and crash into the side of our car. Connor, my brother, his side was the only one that got hit. My mom and I only made it out with a few scratches and graphic memories. My only scar from that  accident is a slash from metal up the side of my leg. I got stitches. But sadly, a week after the accident, Connor had been in the hospital, and I got  a call from my mom while she was visiting Connor, he wasn't getting better, and she called me to tell me that Connor didn't make it. He died. I wasn't there. The last time we talked before the accident, we were fighting, my mom was trying to stop us, we were in the car, and she didn't see the other car coming right at us. It's all of my fault. About 2 months after Connor died, my dad started going out and drinking every night. He would come home late and yell at me. It made me feel worse about the accident, how I caused all of it. I couldn't go to sleep at night because I'd always hear screaming and yelling coming from my parents room, and then one night, I hear my mom tell my dad that she was done, she couldn't handle him anymore. He left that night. I started cutting myself. It hurt less than what I was actually going through. I just stopped last month. It scares me."

"Avery. I'm so sorry. I didn't know. It's not your fault, you didn't know. Just remember, I'm here with you now, and I will help keep you safe."

"Thanks Luke. That really means a lot." It really did. "I love you" I whispered really quietly. Did I actually just say that?

"What was that?" Shit. He heard me.

"I just said, Thank you."

"Oh. Okay. No problem. I'm here." And then I hear him mumble a small "I love you and always will." And see him smile.

"What did you just-" I'm interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. Pizza is here.

I pay for everything and call for Luke. "LUKEEE. LUKKKKKEEEEEEE. FOOD!" I was walking through my hallway looking at the photos on the wall. Then I run into something and fall. Oh no. The pizza. I open my eyes and see Luke in front of my face. His eyes are so blue. He really is perfect. I do something I've wanted to do for a while now. Our lips smash together. Our mouths work together. We are one. It's not like our other kiss from last night. That kiss was innocent. This kiss is heated and hot. It lasts for a few minutes. We finally let go so we can take a breath.

"Avery. You're amazing I-I-I think I-"

"You think what?"

"I think I love you, Avery Jameson."


Woo. Things are getting a little serious between Avery and Luke.

Sorry if this is super long. I just wanted to put it all in there. I know this is really fast paced. I'm sorry about that. This is my first fanfic. I will try to low it down a bit. Might add another chapter tonight. Who knows.

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