day thirty-five

27 5 1

Date: 04-02-2016

They Call Me Shadow

I follow you

wherever you go
the best friend to your lonely soul
I'm a visible darkness
you choose to ignore.

They call me Shadow
an infinite presence
the darkness to your light.

I will follow your every step
your every move
your every breath
till the day you still
and I stay frozen,
locked down,
in my own substance.

You call me your Shadow
you despise the blackness of my being
the representation of your worst dreams

and no matter how fast you walk
no matter if you break into a run
you'll never kill me
as long as there is the sun.

You need me to be your Shadow
to remind you of your past
you think I'm evil
that I exist to hold you back

but you don't know
that I'm here to show you
to push you to keep walking
to keep looking forward

till there's nothing left to be scared of
but a silhouette of a dying fear.

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