day seventy-two

18 3 2

Date: 28-05-2016

Maybe One Day

What color is the sky?
What is grass and how does it feel like?
Mom says that it's tiny and tickles your feet,
Like how she tickles mine when I can't fall asleep.

Do birds sing?

Can they sing as high as I do?

Dad says there are a lot of birds out in the world,

And some even dance!

Are there more colors than gray, white and black?

In the picture book on my bed, I see them all.

But I have never touched 'red'.

I have never felt 'blue'.

Mom says one day I can go outside.

When I'm old enough to leave,

When we've got enough to explore.

I don't understand.

Why don't we have enough?

Is it because dad and mom give me their food?

Or is that why we all wear the same uniform?

I don't understand.

Anything and everything - I want to know.

The black air hurts my throat

I wonder if there is white air outside.

Maybe one day, I will breathe it.

Maybe, one day, I will live.

Maybe, one day.

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