First Opinion

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I never knew I would feel this way about her. I passed her in school a couple times before. I was in year 11, she was in year 9. Two years apart but we had the same friends. I never spoke to her. I didn't know what to think. Don't get me wrong she is good looking. I just thought she was a typical emo. I never judge anyone because of their looks, gender especially sexuality.

Lets Get back to the point. I arranged to meet some friends in the park after school. She came along too. I didn't really speak to her yet again. But I thought i should. I asked her for her name as I didn't want to be awkward and call her Bob or Jeff or something. She then replied with an unusual name for a nonreligious person. Trinity.

Here's when the wierd part kicks in. She stalked me home. Well its not really how it sounds like. I got bored. It's not always fun hanging with youngers but I got along with them because I felt that I was in charge. I always loved the thought of getting attention. Anyways I said I was going to go home, it was not too far from the park. I started heading in that direction and they came with me. I thought they were just joking. Across the road from my house I told them to go as I didn't want them knowing my house number or anything. But yet they stayed there, across the road at a bus stop.

I quickly ran across the road and then both of them started heading towards my house, trying to be secretive. So the early teens found out where I lived. I'm just glad they didn't start knocking for me twenty four seven.

Trinity. That beautiful name kept ringing in my ears. I added her on Facebook. I mean, I'm not a stalker, like them, but as she goes my school, I will be seeing her quite often. The next day I went to animal care where everyone hangs out because the younger students are animals. I meant because there are animals in the room. For example dogs and snakes etc. Then I sat on MY chair that I took off the teacher. This is again because I wanted to have authority and be in charge. There was a seat next to me where a little year 7 sat because his also a little stalker and he fancied me.

If you know me, you will know I always flirt with everyone older, younger, boys, girls. As a joke. Well i always said to pretty much everyone in animal care, "I love you" . Some of them jokingly said they love me too. When Trinity said it, my heart started to beat one million times faster. I couldn't stop thinking of it and i still cannot today. Then again words do not always mean much but they do to me. Especially from Trinity. After school we hung out again and I spoke to trinity not too much or then she would notice I had a small crush on her. But I got to know her better. I then went home and thankfully they did not stalk me again. I want straight on Facebook to message Trinity if what she said was true. She didn't completely remember so i asked if she did actually love me. She kept leading me on saying maybe so i told her I will speak to her tomorrow in person.

Tomorrow came and she tried to stay as far away from me as she can. She tried hiding behind people and going in other rooms. Once I eventually got the other students to drag her outside so i can speak to her they all seemed to think I was going to ask her out. They started chanting through the windows "Say Yes!". I then asked her if she loved me she stayed silent but started smiling and looking down at her feet. That instantly made me even more attracted to her. The lunch bell rang to suggest that the last lesson of the day was about to start. I walked her and my friend to class and i met her outside the class once it was finished.

Me, Trinity and our friend was doing our usual walking home routine. We walked our friend home then I walked Trinity to the bus stop across the road from my house. I asked if I can take her home she smiled but said no. I still did. We was waiting outside her house for ages getting to know each other just as friends. I was going to leave because I felt as if I wasn't wanted there and because it was wednesday and i needed to babysit. I thought i would regret it but I asked the secret love of my life out. Trinity. She said "YES!" Then hugged me. I was so greatful there was a huge smirk on my face. The next day loads of people asked if it was true I denied it because I didn't want to reveal my sexuality and that I was bisexual but she said it was true. So eventually I admitted it. I then got judged but I didnt care because i knew the only person that i need in my life was my girlfriend, fiancee and soon to be wife.

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