Chapter Six: METT (But No ATON)

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(Anyone? Anyone? ... I'll let myself out now...)

The black-haired teen grabbed Matt by the back of his shirt and in a flash, they were standing outside of a moderately sized house, trees lining the outside. Matt had little time to process what was happening before Janthony flung open the large oak door and dragged him through the house by the sleeve of his shirt, taking different turns in what felt like an endless maze of corridors. Despite the size of the house from the outside, the inside was much bigger, almost the size of a college campus.

Matt started to say something before the teen flung open a door and pushed Matt onto a leather sofa in front of a dying fireplace. Despite the fact that the room had two sofas, a coffee table and a fireplace, it gave off vibes similar to those of a torture chamber, and Matt shivered a bit. The teen didn't say anything and simply watched Matt like he was a escaped prisoner, occasionally cracking his knuckles in a menacing fashion. He spoke in a gruff voice, totally unlike the one he had used before. "Okay, we're here. Now, you have to tell him everything you told me, otherwise I'll say it for you. Got it?"

Matt couldn't even get out an answer before another, taller man stepped into the room. Matt could hear his voice like the man was standing right next to him. "Jeff, really. You have to be nicer to people if you want them to trust you. I'm sure Anthony doesn't want to scare him, and I certainly don't."

Jeff rolled his eyes and said, "Whatever," before he twitched and Anthony spoke, "Seriously, Jeff, chill. I need to get Ian back, and I really don't want to be stuck like this, so just try to be positive, okay?"

Matt eyed the pair fearfully, and nearly jumped out of his skin when the gently set one of his black tentacles on his shoulder, finally realizing who the tall stranger was. "S - S - S - Slenderman!?! I - I - Please don't kill me... I didn't know you liked your privacy!!!"

Janthony and Slender looked at each other in confusion, and Matt lowered his hands. "Er, the video... Ten SCARIEST Creepypastas... I thought that you were mad at me..."

Janthony stifled a laugh and Slenderman merely said, "Oh, yes... No, that's not what I need you for. Personally, I'm flattered. It's nice to get a little bit of recognition, right Jeff?"

Matt's eyes widened and he slowly shifted his glance to Janthony. Jeff snorted and said, "Just for the record, this isn't what I normally look like, but you should know that."

Matt blinked rapidly and his throat closed up, making his attempts to speak look like he was impersonating a fish. Jeff sighed, and Anthony continued, "Anyway, Slender, I found him, but he managed to get Jacksfilms... However, I saved Matthew. He said that he had something important to say to you about our... Situation."

Jeff looked at Matt pointedly and his throat loosened up. He started to tell Slender all about what had happened in the previous book. Much to his surprise, Slender didn't act like this was news, and was very focused on what had happened to the people who had been captured by Dark.

After Matt was done, Slender leaned back and mused, "So... It seems the problem is much bigger than we anticipated. I did not see this coming. He must have worked really hard to set this plan in motion."

Janthony and Matt sat in silence. BEN and LJ were nowhere to be found, according to the tall man, so it was just them in the room. Matt sat in silence and tried to take in all of this new information, but failed. "So... You mean to tell me that a video game character is behind all of this? So, why is he going after YouTubers and Creepypastas out of all the people that he could control?"

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