When it rains

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Hi, my name's Hayley and I am the front woman for the rock band Paramore. Right now its the final show of our brand new eyes tour and needless to say things could be better. Josh and Zac just announced they were leaving Paramore and I've been trying to keep myself together but honestly I'm a mess. Josh and Zac founded Paramore 6 years ago and I know we've been through a lot but I never thought it would come to this. I feel tears forming but I have to hold them back, for the audience. They don't want to see me in this state. I look over to Taylor and Jeremy talking to Zac, they seem to be okay. I look over to Josh standing on his own tuning his guitar. He looks miserable or pissed but I can't tell which, he's never really been one for sharing his emotions. I take a deep breath and walk over to him. "So I guess this is it" I tremble. ''Our last show together.'' He looks at me like I'm stupid which makes me feel even worse. ''Yeah.'' He says bluntly. I can't help but feel like its my fault. How long has he wanted to leave?? Maybe I've driven him away? The tech guy calls over to us "THIRTY SECONDS AND YOU'RE ON". I was determined to make our last show a good one. I'm not sure what's next for Paramore after this but all I know is that I definitely don't want it to end.

I've Been Waiting For A Miracle (Paramore)Where stories live. Discover now