We are broken

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Hey guys so I hope you liked the first chapter, this is my first story so sorry if its kinda bad but please leave a comment or a vote or something so I know you like it :) xo

So far the show was going good. Well, as good as it can be I guess. The guys were finishing up the outro for turn it off, a song which pretty much sums up how I feel right now. Then the song I'd been dreading the most came up. Normally I love playing this song live but today I'd rather not. I know I'll probably end up bursting into tears part way through but it's not like I can just skip it, its gotta be done. As I'm making my way over to the keyboard at the side of the stage I steal a look at Josh. He looks up and when he see's me just turns away. Great. Not only is he leaving but he also hates me. I start to play the intro to the song and the boys soon join it and as I start singing a tear rolls down my cheek. I look up to the audience and remember why I'm here. This is the band that kept me going, and these are the people that kept the band alive. I owe it to them to sing my heart out so that's what I did. Once the song was over I took a moment to thank the crowd and tell them how much we appreciate them as a band and how much we love them. Ignorance was the next song, a song I wrote myself and one I really feel passionate about because it explains just how cruel some people can be. That was when all the sadness in me just seemed to disappear and all the anger came flooding out. "IGNORANCE IS YOUR NEW BEST FRIEND" I screamed into the microphone and part of me felt like that had been aimed at Josh and I think he knew it. I wasn't so mad at Zac. He'd been polite about the situation and given us his reasons for leaving. Josh had just told us he was going and walked away leaving the rest of us thinking we'd done something wrong. You don't mess with my band and not expect to get a little mention through a song.

I've Been Waiting For A Miracle (Paramore)Where stories live. Discover now