Chapter II

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      I awoke at eight in the morning. I rubbed my eyes and looked at my bedroom. Twas neatly organized and well cleaned, putting a smile on my face.                 

      I got up, dressed myself for the day ahead, walked through the door and proceeded down the hallway. Both mother and father were asleep in their beds, both snoring loudly.                                                                                                       

        I closed their door, and prepared a small bowl of fruit to help me prepare for the day. I sat at the grand table, and proceeded to eat my breakfast. I looked out the large window, and saw the same man from last night standing on our entrance with his pocket watch out again... "Strange..." I said quietly to myself.                    

      Then, the sudden clatter rang once again through the house. I was determined to not look away this time, and so I ignored the large clatter. The man placed his watch in his pocket and walked towards the street. A passing group of women walked towards the man and passed by him. Once the group of women passed, and the man vanished once again. "What?!!" I shouted as I stood up from eating my fruit.                                                        

                          "Edmond!" my father shouted from the opened door to his room. "Why in god's name are you screaming at this hour?" I bowed in his direction. "I am terribly sorry father, I saw some sort of phenomena that had just occurred outside the manor... sorry to have awakened you..." my father raised his hand and closed his door. I jumped from my seat at the grand table and opened the grand doors.                                                                                                                  

             I stood outside; grand doors wide open, staring at the surrounding area, trying to comprehend the event I just witnessed. The passing people somewhat stared at me and tried not to look. It seemed about five minutes or so before I eventually closed the grand doors and reentered the manor. As I closed the door, father loomed over me with a curious face itching for answers. "Now, what exactly was your bidding outside the premises?" my jaw opened, yet I could not provide any words to fully complete this action. "Well..." said my father impatiently. "I- I simply just cannot place the event I witnessed into words to describe for you." Father seemed rather interested in my reason for leaving the manor. "Very well... if and when this event reoccurs, you must tell me of its exquisite details that you simply cannot describe." He said this in a somewhat mocking manner and walked off. As father passed through the bedroom doors, I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand on its ends. I quickly turned around, but a chill snaked its way down my spine, leaving a longer feeling than usual. Quickly, I ran to my room and leaped into my bed, thinking this will be my solution to my rather interesting problem. I quickly realized that my problem still stood in front of me, so in response to another chill, I pulled back the covers and sat on my bed. Yet another chill ran down my spine, but it stopped in its midst.         

       I arose from my bed, and walked in the kitchen, yet not a single soul was around. I ran through the common room and opened the great doors. The streets were void of life. The grey, as I called it, seemed to surround me as I pondered through the empty streets of Paris. "Do you like it?"  A voice whispered in my ear. I turned around, yet no entity claimed their voice or their presence. I blinked, and life returned to normal. The people of Paris walked leisurely once again in the streets and passed by me without a care, and color seemed to return to my vision as well.                                                                                                            
      I walked with the crowd, entered the manor and sat in the chair beside the great doors. I sat motionless, just trying to let my mind comprehend the event that unfolded before my eyes. "The voice... what was that voice?" this question bugged me for quite some time.                                                                                            
      I walked up the grand stairs, and returned to my bed, even though it was eleven in the morning. I lied with my eyes open, trying to rid my body of the cold emptiness that still lingered in my chest. I closed my eyes and tried my best to fall asleep once more, even though I was not tired. I stared at the wall, blank minded and hoping that my surroundings would appeal to me once more, for the feeling of home had left this house.                                                   

      I heard my father's footsteps in the common room. "Edmond! Where are you?" he asked. I hid under my covers. My father's door closed, and as it echoed throughout the manor I looked out my window. The bright sun flooded its light into my room, giving everything a golden glow. I arose from my bed and sat in the sunlight. The rays felt amazing, almost as if they were cleansing my soul and my body. I saw past the sun, and noticed the black, deathly clouds that loomed over head. I felt saddened by this sight, for it was such a glorious day... yet it would all come to an end in mere minuets by the storm.                                                     

      I walked out of my room and entered Cecil's room. There was mother, swaddling Cecil in her arms. She was sound asleep as mother rocked her back and forth. I heard thunder in the distance, and a flash of light appeared in my field of vision. Cecil appeared in minor discomfort, for she squirmed and yearned for mother. I looked out Cecil's windows, and looked overhead. The clouds now sat atop us, and covered us in its shadow. I looked at Cecil, who started whining. The sound of rain pelting the window caught my ear along with another blast of thunder. I looked at mother, who was trying to comfort Cecil with her warmth and love, yet her efforts were masked by the sounds of thunder. As Cecil started  crying, I left the room feeling bad for mother. She tries hard, and it does pay off, but there are seldom times in which her efforts do not matter.              

      I entered the common room, and peered out the large window. Not a single soul walked the streets this gloomy afternoon. Streaks of white light illuminated the black sky and everything below it. Mother walked out of Cecil room looking somewhat drained, as did father, who could not keep himself upright.                    

      "Edmond," my father stated. I turned my head in his direction. "Your mother and I are going to lie down once more... I ask of you to watch over the manor and your sister, am I clear?" I nodded as both my father and mother walked sleepily to their room. I walked up the grand staircase and entered Cecil room. At that moment, a sickening feeling overwhelmed my stomach. I looked at Cecil and picked her up. I walked down the stairs with her in my arms and placed her down. Cecil, without warning or any stimuli, started crying. I tried to comfort her but my efforts were close to useless. My mother came from her room, looking very displeased. She took Cecil and went through the main doors, sat out on her chair and pleased Cecil.                                                                           

      I took my seat next to the grand doors, and marveled at the inner beauty that was architecture. Paintings lined the ceiling, as did crowning and décor in masses. I simply was taken aback at all the extravagant beauty, regardless of it being hidden or out in plain sight.                      

Edmond PaulDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora