Chapter III

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      My face began to feel an intense heat, and as I opened my eyes, I quickly shielded them. The window pane was illuminated by the sun and casted its bright rays all throughout my room. Its bright light illuminated the dust that resided in the nooks and crannies hidden all about my room, showing my long period absence within the silky dust. 

      Within seconds after my uprising, my stomach pleaded for sustenance in a low growl. Oh how I longed for the sweet taste of fruit. The ship offered little delicacy's as the months passed, for we had to settle on porridge and the common man's meal. 

       Instantly, I ran down from the grand staircase, and into the kitchen. As I entered, I saw mothers' gifted fruit basket laying atop the counter, and a bowl of fruit readily available. I bolted to the bowl and grasped towards its contents. Sadly, my small stature prevented me from doing so, as my hand was inches away from its sweet delicate taste. 

Oh how it taunted me.

       I turned to grab a chair, and tried to lift. The weight became top heavy, and almost tilted. I noticed I did not have the strength nor the body to lift such a massive object compared to my small size. I quickly set pushed the object aside, seeing as it had no use to me. I then noticed I could approach the delicacy another way, by Climbing. I immediately clutched a small peg that was embedded inside the wooden base, and reached for another that seemed miles away. I looked down, and became frightened. The view seemed to elongate itself and appear higher. I grit what teeth I had, and climbed higher.

      My hand, cold and sweaty from nervousness, touched the counter top, and felt its cold tile. I reached outward, toes stretching towards their limit, hoping to feel the smooth skin of fruit. But I felt weightless for a split second, as my hand slipped from the counter, and immediately I began to fall backwards. 

      I threw my hands behind me, hoping to break my fall, and cushion whatever may come. I felt as if the whole world came to a standstill, and slowly begun to speed up. The anticipation of what was to come was killing me, for I knew the pain would hurt, yet I remained unknowing of its arrival. . 

       My head, after an eternity, crashed onto the floor with a loud and echoing THUD, and pain soon overflowed my senses. Immediately thereafter, I started to cry. My pleas and shouts for mother had overflowed the kitchen and entire the house, drowning out all sound within. 

      Mother bursted out the door, as her motherly instincts kicked in. She frantically looked about the commons area, and bolted towards the kitchen. She then found me lying on the floor, bawling my eyes out and pleading for her to come. She rushed to my aid, and picked me up, comforting me whilst doing so. 

      She shushed, hoping to calm me, to which I whimpered from pain and fell silent once more. Mother noticed my stretching arms and their pointing to fruit. She smiled, and sighed. She patted my head, gave a quick peck on my forehead, and grasped a lustrous red apple from the counter, only to place it inside my small hands. She then set me down, and walked off.

      With my newly gifted delicacy grasped within my small hands, I opened my mouth and placed pressure. Its skin peeled off, and revealed its juicy, yet firm content. I quickly chomped once more and felt the world become sweet once again. Its smooth taste flooded my mouth, and its cool feeling filled me entirely. I chewed until my mouth was deprived of its cool and chilled taste. How I longed for its taste once more, even though only mere seconds passed. 

      The core was now revealed after the contents surrounding it had been engulfed by myself, and I cherished its sweet savory taste that filled my mouth. how I missed this delicacy. None of the lower class could afford such treats, whereas I eat it for every meal. 

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